DLori27 SAID:

I am just beginning to develop nasal fols and it’s really bothering me. Is there anything aside from a mini face lift that can tighten the skin in that area and if so what do you suggest? Are there any fillers that can fix this problem without giving that artificial appearance? And approximately, what is the cost of these procedures.? Also do you feel take home gadgets, such as Nuface can make a significant improvement on one’s nasal fols and wrinkles and if so, is there a particular beauty machine you can recommend. Thanks much.

kleimanlaw at aol dot com

On: December 28, 2012
To doctors from: NY

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Kevin Tehrani wrote on :

    Dear Diane,
    There are nonsurgical options available to include fillers for the nasolabial folds Like Juvéderm or Perlane or nonsurgical facelift procedure called Ultherapy. You would need to have an in person consultation or pictures at the very least for evaluation.

  2. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Fillers can help with the naso-labial folds. As each doctor has a different charge, go for an in person consultation and see what they say.

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