l5143 SAID:

I having a problem with dry lose skin , my eye lids look like they are drouping down have a gray tint to my skin start to show loose hanging skin in cheeks tried creams part of it is age cold and the after math of supper storm sandy im 57 and have an older sister 68 people people think im her mother i looked at pictures taken within the past three weeks and it does not look like me at all its my mother that trurned 89 on dec 25

On: December 28, 2012
To doctors from: NY

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Kevin Tehrani wrote on :

    Dear Lynn,
    I think we all aged a bit after Sandy! You may need a combination of surgical versus nonsurgical facial rejuvenation procedures which need to be evaluated in person.

  2. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Sounds like you should see a plastic surgeon and let him evaluate the areas you are unhappy with.

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