BrianaChristina SAID:

What is your experience with the Ulthera machine? With several treatments, can it firm up the jowl/jaw area? I learned about this machine last year in 2012 but because it’s not well-known yet, I was wondering if you had any insight about it.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Beverly Friedlander wrote on :

    Hi Briana,

    As you know, Ultherapy uses focused Ultrsound to stimulate your own body to create more collagen which then lifts and tightens the skin. I love it, having had 2 procedures myself. It can firm up the jowl /jaw area without any down time which allows you to go back to all your activities immediately after the procedure while your body then does all the work naturally without surgery. It is not a substitute for surgery but will provide you with facial enhancement without all the worries.

    Beverly Friedlander, MD

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