lucygab SAID:

How expensive is a tummy tuck? Are we too old at 50 to get one?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Martha Matthews wrote on :

    50 is certainly not too old! Of course, your body at 50 is not the same as your body at 25, and 50 year old skin is simply not as elastic. So it is important that you have realistic expectations about the results.

    There are really two issues — first (and most important), is the surgery safe for you?

    Second, will the surgery do what you want it to do?

    A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is a real surgery. When you meet with a plastic surgeon for a consultation, she will look at your medical history and your general health, and can advise you if it is safe.

    The surgeon can also counsel you as to what kind of results to expect. Abdominoplasty is not normally covered by insurance. Costs vary, depending on the type of tummy tuck, the length of time it will take, and where the surgery is performed.

    Some offices, like mine, will give the patient a ballpark estimate by phone, but to get a more accurate idea, usually it is necessary for the us to see the patient. Nationwide, the average costs can be found on the website for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

    Age really is just a number. While people often think of cosmetic body surgery to be for young people, people of all ages can have satisfying results from these procedures.

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