laurie1424 SAID:

What is the difference in the lifestyle lift type of surgery and a traditional face lift?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Csaba Magassy wrote on :

    Dear Laurie: Lifestyle lift, as it used in most of the advertisements that you have undoubtedly seen on television and the print media, describes a procedure that consists of placing an incision in front of the ear and placing three or four sutures to “lift” the skin..Unfortunately this type of a procedure does not have the lasting or the spectacular results associated with a more traditional facelift..I have personally treated and redone many unhappy patients and converted them to a more traditional facelift procedure. Even though the cost is very tempting for just a few more dollars you can indeed have a first class result, you so desire. There are many options available with non surgical procedures that can indeed complement your desired results…You should have a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon that can explain the options, results and alternative that suit your desires,, Best personal regards, Dr.CLM

  2. Dr. Roberta Gartside wrote on :

    Laura: that is a good question. Face lifts now come in many different varieties with many different names and it can confuse the public. There are neck lifts, mini-face lifts, face lifts, midface lifts and forehead lifts. All address different areas of the “face” depending on needs and goal. To your question, it is basically what is a mini-facelift. A mini-facelift traditionally involves limited incisions and undermining of the skin. The effect will on average last about two years. Not uncommonly, it is combined with other treatment options (check out the fine print and the bottom of the pictures) such as liposuction, Botox, fillers and other skin tightening treatments. That is not to say that a traditional facelift is not combined with other modalities. Surgery alone cannot correct everything. Surgery generally corrects sagging from gravity and age. It does not correct sun damaged skin, which may require peels or laser resurfacing.

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