dh300 SAID:

I am 59 and am so upset about the sagging skin on my arms. I am otherwise youthful looking but what I’m talking about is way beyond Titan lasers. I would like the skin lifted but do not want a scar running down my arms? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Elizabeth Morgan wrote on :

    Thank you for your question about . You have three choices for arm lifting. 1. Lasers which give less improvement than surgery, 2. a short scar arm lift – which hides the scar under the arm – good for a little lift and 3. a arm lift with a scar down the arm – great results. The scar is usually well hidden down the inside of the arm. Most people are very pleased with this operation. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

  2. Dr. Stephen Chidyllo wrote on :

    Thank you for your challenging question. You are not unlike most of my patients. I need to agree with my good friend Dr. Back below and only add the following. If you need skin removed….You require a scar. I am sorry!!. If you need skin tightened, you might be able to compromise with either ultrasonic or laser liposuction. I have performed this procedure many times in my practice where an educated patient will adjust to the fact that they might not have the “exact result” that they “want” but will not have a scar. I will need to examine you prior to giving you true evaluation of your situation, however it would be a pleasure to try to achieve your desired results.

  3. Dr. Lyle Back wrote on :

    Hanging, loose skin of the upper arms is a very common problem – procedures for treating this have seen a tremendous upsurge in popularity over the past couple of years alone. The best results in terms of lifting and tightening are usually obtained with the type of arm lift that almost always involves having a scar that extends from about the armpit to near the elbow. This scar often hides fairly well, but it can also be thick a/o wide and since it is also long, not aesthetically an ideal situation. There are more minor forms of arm lifts (with smaller scars) but very few patients are truly good candidates, and the results are often just not that good. Only with a proper in-person consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon will your overall options be best considered. But you may have to accept having that scar if you really want to get rid of that skin in the right way.

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