djs53 SAID:

I am 60 5’5″ 252 pounds 44 DDD i am thinking about having breast reduction surgery but the surgeon that i went to wants to take me down to a size B. Do you think that is to small?

0 Answers

  1. Scott Sattler wrote on :

    Breast reduction surgery is a wonderful procedure with generally good outcomes in most patients. Without a set of photographs to refer to, your question is impossible to answer.

  2. Scott Sattler wrote on :

    Breast reduction surgery is a wonderful procedure with generally good outcomes in most patients. Without a set of photographs to refer to, your question is impossible to answer.

  3. Dr. Elizabeth Morgan wrote on :

    My approach to breast reduction is guided by what my patients’ goals and symptoms. A “C” (ie large average) or smaller usually gets rid of all symptoms. A D or larger may not. If you would prefer to be larger, discuss with your goal with your surgeon. A B cup on a woman your weight is going to look quite small.

  4. Dr. Louis Potyondy wrote on :

    Each patient is different and there are insurance requirements as to how much breast tissue needs to be removed for insurance to cover a breast reduction procedure. However, based upon the basic information that you have provided, I think you could easily be brought down to a full C and still be within those parameters. The best thing to do is get a second opinion. We would be happy to see you at any time or answer any further questions you may have. Feel free to call our office and ask to speak with Jaime at 253.627.1001.

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