DonnaD. SAID:

I live in Delaware and would like a plastic surgeon from this state to answer this question please, if possible: I want to get a laser treatment to remove the fine lines around my mouth. However, I have a diagonal scar above my lip. How do I proceed in removing both the scar and lines? Thank you. Donna

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Janet Woodyard wrote on :

    A better option may be treatment with a filler such as Juvederm. This works beautifuly for lines around the mouth and in some cases, works well for scars as well. Without an exam or photo, it is difficult to be too specific. You may want to consider scar revision for permanent improvement in the scar.

  2. Dr. Janet Woodyard wrote on :

    A better option may be treatment with a filler such as Juvederm. This works beautifuly for lines around the mouth and in some cases, works well for scars as well. Without an exam or photo, it is difficult to be too specific. You may want to consider scar revision for permanent improvement in the scar.

  3. Dr. Csaba Magassy wrote on :

    Donna: There are several types of lasers to help the lines around your mouth….Much of type of treatment depends on the type of skin, texture and pigmentation to determine which would work the best for your situation. A brief consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon will provide the best answer to your question…

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