carmenwood SAID:

I have loose, flabby skin on the FRONT of my thighs. I exercise and have never been overweight. I think this is from sun damage. Is there anything that can help?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Leopoldo Lapuerta wrote on :

    Usually a medial thigh lift can be performed to remove excess skin of the inner thigh. I recommend consulting with a board certified plastic surgeon for a formal examination to determine which cosmetic procedure would benefit you most.

  2. Dr. Constance Barone wrote on :

    It is very difficult to give you an accurate answer without a proper examination. If it is only sun damage them laser can help. If it is loose skin, then a possible thigh lift may be of help. Best to you

  3. Dr. Frank Agullo wrote on :

    It’s difficult to say without doing a full examination and evaluating the problem area. The sun is the worst enemy when it comes to speeding up aging of the skin. If there is excess skin a thigh lift may be necessary. If the amount of skin laxity is mild, it may respond well to some lasers such as SkinTyte.

  4. Dr. James Boynton wrote on :

    It is difficult to say without examining you and seeing you in consultation; however, often loose flappy skin of the thigh can be ameliorated by thigh lift surgery. I hope this helps.

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