Dear Doctors! Sadly I have to get a tooth implant and I just healed from my nose job. It is on the upper left side, so close to where my nose got done. Can it ruin my nose anyhow to get that implant and if no, how long shoud I wait after healing to get it? Thank you in advance!
0 Answers
Dr. James Wethe wrote on :
Happy to hear that you are healed from your recent nasal surgery and sorry to also hear you need a dental implant. The dental implant should not affect the outcome of the nose surgery although they are close to each other it would be unexpected for that to happen. The best choice is to discuss timing of the tooth implant with both your dentist as well as the surgeon who performed your nasal surgery. In general, waiting in the range of 4 to 6 weeks to allow the nose to have basic healing seems best but likely could be sooner if the tooth is more of an urgent matter. Speak with both of your professionals, or have them talk to each other with your permission. Hope it all goes well.
J. Wethe, M.D.
Dr. David Motoki wrote on :
It would be advisable to check with the surgeon who performed your nose surgery as to when you can get the dental implant.
Dr. David Motoki wrote on :
It would be advisable to check with the surgeon who performed your nose surgery as to when you can get the dental implant.