bpalo24 SAID:

Hi i am looking and is starting a carrer as a plastic surgeon. I want to be good at it. I ask for you doctors to help me with tips and facts on this carrer and what to do and not do.
Very much appricated thanks in advanced.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Curtis Wong wrote on :

    Sorry to be brutal but this isn’t simply a choice you make and it happens for you. It takes time, sacrifice, and knowledge to make this happen. You can start with having your grammar and spelling correct as plastic surgeons are usually quite compulsive about ‘perfection’. The pathway to this career requires a college degree, a medical school degree, and acceptance into a residency program that can take 6-8 years on top of that. Where in this pathway are you and then you can better determine what you need to do next. Best of luck!

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