FelishaAlly SAID:

Hi i am 25 years old and am considering having a breast augmentation done because my right breast is a lot smaller than left breast. Also the right side is also a bit sunken. Can i have your opinion on this please

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Brooke Seckel wrote on :

    Breast asymmetry, difference in the size between your 2 breasts, typically requires at least a lift on the larger side plus breast augmentation with implants to achieve symmetry.

  2. Dr. Malcolm Roth wrote on :

    Some women with significant breast asymmetry benefit from a breast lift (mastopexy) or reduction on the larger size. In addition, for the smaller breast, a breast implant alone might not give the improvement desired. Some women benefit from some additional steps during the surgery to accomplish the best outcome. As has already been stressed, make sure to see a board certified member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and find someone who you seems to listen to you and understands what you hope to accomplish, and in whom you can place your trust.

  3. Dr. Beverly Friedlander wrote on :

    Hi, several physicians have responded to your question, so you should feel at ease that your request is not unusual. The key to a good result is finding a board certified plastic surgeon with experience correcting asymmetries such as yours. That being said you will probably need different implants on each side. The one used on your right will be bigger, a little wider and have more projection to compensate for the size differences. The process of selecting an implant can only be done after you have been examined to identify what your specific needs are. You will have the opportunity discuss your goals, look at photos of young women like yourself and try on the implants. Good Luck.

  4. Dr. Elliot Jacobs wrote on :

    You are located in one of the breast augmentation capitals of the world — so please do your homework and visit several board certified plastic surgeons for their opinions. Do not expect uniform answers from all of them.

    You should go into a consultation with some decisions already formed. For example, what size do you want to be? In dealing with breast and perhaps other asymmetries of your chest, you should understand that achieving absolutely perfect mirror-image symmetry will be difficult ff not impossible to achieve. However, with an appropriate choice of different sized and different shaped implants, a significant improvement should be attained. Best of luck to you!
    Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
    New York City

  5. Dr. Tito Vasquez wrote on :

    (You are the youngest Fab over Fifty I know! Welcome. )

    Everyone has a bit of asymmetry. Some can be corrected or improved and some issues can’t. It’s best to get a consultation with someone you trust.

  6. Dr. Elizabeth Almeyda wrote on :

    A benefit of breast augmentation surgery is to achieve symmetry. This is not an uncommon problem. The procedure and alternative to correct this can be discussed at a consultation. Good results are possible. Patient anatomy and a close discussion between yourself and your surgeon will assist in making the right choice.

  7. Dr. Farhad Rafizadeh wrote on :

    You need to be carefully evaluated by a board certified plastic surgeon with significant experience in breasts, as you seem to have asymmetry of your breasts and chest wall. I have had many cases of severe asymmetry and have obtained good results. Therefore you can definitely have the problem corrected by the right plastic surgeon. Let us know if we can be of further help.

  8. Dr. Tracy Pfeifer wrote on :

    Thank you for your question. Breast asymmetry can be improved with breast implants. Luckily there are a number of different implants available so the result can be customized for your shape and size. In some cases both the breast and the chest wall are involved in the asymmetry and implants can improve the appearance of both. I suggest a consult with a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast. Surgeons can be found at http://www.surgery.org. I have had several patients your age in my practice with breast asymmetry who have had successful correction. Hope this helps.
    Tracy Pfeifer, MD

  9. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Not a problem — I do this all of the time. You need to be examined and I will discuss what would be best for you. Come in and you will see photos of similar problems and how they have been handles. This is more common than you think.

  10. Dr. Kevin Tehrani wrote on :

    Hello, It is difficult to comment without at least pictures. My advice is for you to see a board certified plastic surgeon who performs hundreds of breast augmentations per year and review their before and after to find a patient similar to you who has a result you like. Also look to have Vectra 3D imaging to see what you would look like after surgery. Best of luck.

  11. Dr. Stephen Chidyllo wrote on :

    You are educated in doing your research early. There are many good sources now available on the web for you to investigate your options completely. May I also recommend reviewing the ASPS website at plasticsurgery.org. There is no way that I can completely answer your questions without a complete review of your medical history and examination in our office. Breast augmentation is an excellent procedure in which to correct asymmetry of the breasts. The size, shape, volume or form of implants can be selected to enhance each breast individually. Concerning your reported issue about the “sunken” chest/breast region, this issue would need to be investigated further during your consultation. You are on the right pathway investigating your options and select a “board certified plastic surgeon” in your region for a consultation

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