HeatherDavis SAID:

I am a 25y/o female considering breast lift surgery/augmentation. I had lap-banding surgery 3yrs ago and have lost just over 150lbs. I would like to know the belly button approach for breast implants would be compatible with the port placement of the lap-band.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Brooke Seckel wrote on :

    Congratulations on your weight loss, that is fantastic.
    Trans-umbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) would have no advantages since you already are having a breast lift the implants can be placed through the breast lift incision. Next

    In addition TUBA would require the use of saline breast implants which can cause visible rippling and placing implants in this fashion can void your implant warranty.

  2. Dr. Robert Buchanan wrote on :

    Since you need a breast lift because of our weight loss and will already have a scar on the breast, there is absolutely no reason to even consider inserting a breast implant through the umbilicus. Besides, the only implant you can place that way is a saline inflatable implant when silicone implants are superior for a number of reasons. Also. the tubing from the port frequently crosses above the umbilicus making the umbilical approach somewhat risky in addition to its already increased risks.

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