eio SAID:

Looking for Plastic surgeon -Hysterectomy w/ tummy tuck combined, North Carolina Region.”Please help recommend a surgeon in North Carolina. I looking for a plastic surgeon that have experience in tummy tuck combined with Hysterectomy same time. The surgeon will have to coordinate with a OB-GYN doctor that will perform the Hysterectomy. Thank you very much.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim wrote on :

    I practice in Charlotte, NC. It is certainly an option to have a tummy tuck with a hysterectomy. It is always best to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon in your area to know what is safe, what is best for you. Good luck

  2. Dr. Robert Buchanan wrote on :

    You did not say where in North Carolina you are. There are, in most areas, plastic surgeons who can easily coordinate with a gynecologist for your hysterectomy and tummy tuck. This is much easier on you if the hysterectomy can be done as an endoscopically assisted or purely vaginal procedure. However, even if an open procedure is necessary this can easily be done. The only difference is that recovery is a little harder. Even then, total recovery is less than if the 2 procedures were done separately. We are in a resort area of Western North Carolina, where surgery and recovery is done in the serenity of the mountains. A Gynecologist with whom we coordinate these procedures is in the same building. See http://www.PlasticSurgeryToday.com.

  3. A Doctor wrote on :

    Dr. Jeffrey Ditesheim is a plastic surgeon in Charlotte, North Carolina (704 – 754-8351). He does perform tummy tucks. Please go to “Find A Doctor” on the FabOverFifty website to read about him.

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