LouannVernon SAID:

I am a 52 year old woman who has always has small eyes. Over the past year or more I have been having severe trouble seeing to read. I recently noticed that when I forced my eyes open wider, things became more clear (reading something). Who decides if you have a true problem with your eyelids getting in the way of your vision? Is it the plastic surgeon or eye doctor? I know that insurance may pay if your lids do get in the way of your vision. Thanks for any advice. Louann

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Janet Turkle wrote on :

    Sometimes insurance will cover upper eyelid surgery when there is drooping of the lids that causes obstruction of your vision. You will need to have a visual field test by your eye doctor and then a plastic surgeon will perform the surgery.

    You should check with your insurance company to determine their specific requirements for reimbursement for the procedure.

    Janet Turkle MD
    Plastic, Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery

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