jewels69chevy SAID:

Hi my name is Julie and I had a breast implants since 1989 never had any problems my doctor did a excellent job have been told they look real. But I think it time to have them redone right

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Brooke Seckel wrote on :

    If you are happy with the appearance and feel of your breast implants, and you do not have problems such as change in shape, hardness, or visible implant borders, then there is no hard fast rule that you need to replace your breast implants after any specific time.

    However if you want larger implants, or want to improve the appearance that you may be unhappy with then replacement of implants can certainly be done.

    I suggest that you visit a board certified plastic surgeon for an examination of your breast implants. You can then discuss any concerns you have in detail and hopefully receive proper advice.

  2. Dr. Brooke Seckel wrote on :

    If you are happy with the appearance and feel of your breast implants, and you do not have problems such as change in shape, hardness, or visible implant borders, then there is no hard fast rule that you need to replace your breast implants after any specific time.

    However if you want larger implants, or want to improve the appearance that you may be unhappy with then replacement of implants can certainly be done.

    I suggest that you visit a board certified plastic surgeon for an examination of your breast implants. You can then discuss any concerns you have in detail and hopefully receive proper advice.

  3. Dr. David Motoki wrote on :

    If you are still happy with the results and are not having any problems then you do not have to do anything. You did not mention what type of implants you have. The silicone gel implants used in 1989 are prone to gel leaking that can cause excessive scar tissue with firmness of the breasts or changes in the shape of the breasts. If you have any concerns about your implants then come in for a complimentary consultation to learn about your options.

  4. Dr. Curtis Wong wrote on :

    If everything is looking great, don’t waste time and money on changing things out. Yet if you wish to change to gel implants or need a lift, its certainly an ideal time to consider this. Find a local plastic surgeon to listen to and evaluate your concerns and who can provide you a list of options to choose from. And doing nothing is certainly one option.

  5. Dr. Marialyn Sardo wrote on :

    Dear Julie,
    If your implants look and feel good, then you really don’t have to re do them. If you have silicone and want to see if they have ruptured, you can get an MRI to evaluate them. The best thing would be to see your plastic surgeon or another board certified plastic surgeon to have your breasts evaluated and hear what options are available to change out to a newer style of implants. I am assuming you do self breast exams and get your breasts checked out yearly by your OB/Gyn, and are having mammograms as recommended. If not, definitely make an appointment to get a professional breast examination and recommendations.

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