Replacement of saline implants with new saline implants starts at $5100. Replacement with gel implants starts at $6100. If you require capsulectomy or other modifications then the price goes up. You need to have a consultation to determine the best surgical plan for your particular situation and aesthetic goals.
If you are happy with your current pocket and do not need a lift or other work, my fee in Redding, CA (far north) would be $5400 for saline and $6300 for gel implants. As you can see, there is quite a range. Good luck to finding the right doctor for you.
The fee to have your current implants removed and new implants placed does depend on the type of implants you are using. You can either replace with saline implants or silicone implants. The fees can also differ depending on what type of silicone implants you would choose. All of these options would be discussed at your consult. Our quotes do include removal and replacement, surgical fees, anesthesia, labs, pre op, post op and pathology. We typically quote $8750 for change out with silicone implants. Keep in mind this amount could be different for any of the reasons I have already listed. Good luck!
The fee to replace your saline implants will depend on whether you are replacing with saline or silicone, and whether any additional procedures are necessary. For instance, whether scar tissue needs to be removed or whether you would benefit from a lifting procedure as well, particularly if you are changing to a smaller size.
The price can range from $4,500-10,000.
0 Answers
Dr. Diana Ghosh wrote on :
The cost of removal and replacement of saline implants starts at $5,300. A consultation would be required to determine your actual needs and the cost.
Dr. David Motoki wrote on :
Replacement of saline implants with new saline implants starts at $5100. Replacement with gel implants starts at $6100. If you require capsulectomy or other modifications then the price goes up. You need to have a consultation to determine the best surgical plan for your particular situation and aesthetic goals.
Dr. Curtis Wong wrote on :
If you are happy with your current pocket and do not need a lift or other work, my fee in Redding, CA (far north) would be $5400 for saline and $6300 for gel implants. As you can see, there is quite a range. Good luck to finding the right doctor for you.
Dr. Susan Kaweski wrote on :
The fee to have your current implants removed and new implants placed does depend on the type of implants you are using. You can either replace with saline implants or silicone implants. The fees can also differ depending on what type of silicone implants you would choose. All of these options would be discussed at your consult. Our quotes do include removal and replacement, surgical fees, anesthesia, labs, pre op, post op and pathology. We typically quote $8750 for change out with silicone implants. Keep in mind this amount could be different for any of the reasons I have already listed. Good luck!
Dr. Marialyn Sardo wrote on :
The fee to replace your saline implants will depend on whether you are replacing with saline or silicone, and whether any additional procedures are necessary. For instance, whether scar tissue needs to be removed or whether you would benefit from a lifting procedure as well, particularly if you are changing to a smaller size.
The price can range from $4,500-10,000.
Dr. Shankar Lakshman wrote on :
Thanks for your question! We are based in Pasadena, CA and charge $6500.