I am 48 years of age, fairly healthy, 5feet 2 inches, and approximately 136 lbs. I have a lower abdominal pooch of belly fat. Am I a good candidate for liposuction? No prescription or over-the-counter meds, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, and moderate inconsistency of exercise.
0 Answers
Dr. Constance Barone wrote on :
Excess skin is best addressed with excision and liposuction works best for contouring. Pelase make an appointment with a Plastic surgeon for further evaluation to discuss your options. Best to you!
Dr. Mennen Gallas wrote on :
Based on your description, you may be a better candidate for a tummy tuck. Liposuction does a wonderful job of removing unwanted pockets of fat, but does not remove any skin or tighten looseness of the abdominal wall. I would recommend a consultation with a plastic surgeon for an evaluation and to determine which procedure would best help you meet your surgical goals.
Dr. Sam Sukkar wrote on :
Liposuction is a wonderful procedure to address unwanted fatty tissue. However for women we need to address if there have been large fluctuations of weight loss/gain and pregnancies. If this is the issue we must address skin laxity and laxity of your muscle wall by performing a Lipo-Abdominoplasy (Tummy Tuck) in order to give you the best result.
Dr. Sukkar is a board certified plastic surgeon with a vast experience (over 15 years) in a number of cosmetic procedures. Please visit our website at http://www.drsukkar.com and contact us for a pre-consultaton by one of our experienced Patient Care Coordinators. The Patient Care Coordinator will assist you in scheduling an appointment with Dr. Sukkar.
Dr. James Boynton wrote on :
Liposuction can often provide the contour improvements you desire in an outpatient procedure. If the pooch is the result of changes from weight gain or pregnancies then oftentimes there is some degree of loose skin and rectus diastasis (separation of the rectus muscles) that in many cases may require an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). When a tummy tuck is necessary this procedure gives the best correction and rejuvenation to the torso. I hope this helps!
Dr. Boynton
Dr. Dustin Reid wrote on :
You may very well be a good candidate for liposuction. If your skin quality is good and there is not an excess of skin, then liposuction will get rid of that pooch for sure. Good luck.
Dr. Reid
Dr. Steven Vath wrote on :
In my practice, we offer two fat reduction methods. Liposuction and CoolSculpting are used to reduce fatty bulges of exercise-resistant fat in the context of good skin tone. Liposuction and CoolSculpting are not weight loss operations and should be considered more of a body contouring procedure. If you have not had children, have no loose skin or lax muscles, you might be a candidate for power assisted liposuction or CoolSculpting of the abdomen. However, if you do have excess skin and/or lax muscles you are more of a tummy tuck candidate.
Steven Vath, M.D.