My girlfriend had eye surgery due to a disconnected cornea. Now her eyelid doesn’t open all the way. Is there any way it can be fixed?
We recommend your friend to be seen by a board-certified oculoplastic surgeon to determine what she may be a candidate for.
Your friend needs to be evaluated by a board-certified Oculoplastic Surgeon.
She should visit an Oculoplastic Surgeon in reference to this post eye surgery upper eyelid ptosis.
This issue needs clearance from the eye surgeon before we could discuss any cosmetic surgery of the eyelids.
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Dr. John Newkirk wrote on :
We recommend your friend to be seen by a board-certified oculoplastic surgeon to determine what she may be a candidate for.
Dr. Lawrence Korpeck wrote on :
Your friend needs to be evaluated by a board-certified Oculoplastic Surgeon.
Dr. Jeffrey Scott wrote on :
She should visit an Oculoplastic Surgeon in reference to this post eye surgery upper eyelid ptosis.
Dr. Darryl Blinski wrote on :
This issue needs clearance from the eye surgeon before we could discuss any cosmetic surgery of the eyelids.