deannal134 SAID:

I have a mother’s apron I lost a little weight I’m still pretty heavy set and it’s hard as a single mother of three for me to walk into a school and the other mothers or to keep up with my children and I was wondering if there was a low cost surgery that might be able to help me with this problem so that I can properly wear a swimsuit and take my kids to the beach or go to the school function and be able to wear a nice outfit.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. John O'Brien wrote on :

    Hello,ideally you would want to consult a board certified plastic surgeon and had a formal evaluation to see the extent of your problem and your concerns. There are many options from a mini abdominoplasty to a more limited liposuction and or abdominoplasty procedure. We have significant experience in these procedures and would be happy to see you at no cost. At that time we can formulate a plan and give you detailed cost depending upon the extent of your problem. I would advise you to be careful regarding low-cost surgical options as your sole determinate for choosing a plastic surgeon. good luck. John J. O’Brien Jr M.D.

  2. Dr. Michelle Copeland wrote on :

    Although there’s no substitute for good diet and exercise, sometimes there’s only so much we can do to reverse nature’s cruelties. That’s where science comes in. No, reshaping your body isn’t as easy as going to the beauty parlor. Surgery is never 100% risk free and the healing process requires patience and determination.Liposuction works best on patients who are of relatively average weight, but who need help with a problem area, or with shedding the ten pounds they regain between diets. If you have good skin quality and minimal sagging, you make an ideal candidate for liposuction.

    Liposuction modifies volume by sucking out fat, and liposuction candidates need good skin tone. The procedure takes about an hour, the recovery takes just a couple of days, and there’s virtually no scarring. I use several innovative forms of liposuction, including SmartLipo, in order to contour and resculpture the area while providing the most beautiful results with minimal scarring. SmartLipo, used in combination with other forms of liposuction or alone, is a procedure that uses laser light to liquefy fat and tighten the surrounding skin. Liposuction as an outpatient procedure under I.V. sedation can easily reduce the bulge that some people have in their abdomens. Because liposuction stimulates the skin to tighten, good elasticity provides a smooth contour after fat is removed.

    Another Option is ZERONA®, which is an FDA cleared alternative to liposuction, which reduces inches with no pain, no surgery and no downtime. Patients are losing between 3.6 to 5.5 inches and many are seeing even greater results when combined with a sensible diet and exercise program. It’s the perfect way to lose stubborn body fat from: neck, love handles, arms, hips, back/bra‐line, thighs, tummy/waistline and knees in this fast pace world we live in. After just six 40 minute treatments you will see inches melt away. And best of all there is no recovery or downtime so you can resume all your normal activities immediately after each treatment

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