Is a tummy tuck advisable for me if I don’t plan on pregnancy for another 10 years?
And also I have read about how tummy fat can shorten my lifespan, I really want to remove the excess fast. But I do not know if I can afford it, what would a payment plan be like?
I am 24
0 Answers
Dr. Regina Rosenthal wrote on :
If you have another pregnancy after a tummy tuck, your skin will be stretched out again, so it’s best to wait until after childbearing. If it is worthwhile for you to have the tummy tuck despite that, and you are healthy you could proceed with the surgery. If you do not have too much extra skin, liposuction may be an option for you. There are certainly risks with tummy tuck, but once healed should not have a negative effect on your health.
Dr. James Wethe wrote on :
The first thought I have when I read that you are 24 years old is that an exam by a plastic surgeon is possibly going to make a large difference in what the options are. At a young age it is possible that you would be a candidate for liposuction instead of a tummy tuck or possibly some form of liposuction combined with a mini tummy tuck. Of course, the first thing to get in order is to make sure your diet and exercise levels are where you want them and then a proper exam by a plastic surgeon to assess what the options are. Certainly there are many courses that are possible but you and your plastic surgeon can sort them out and make sure they are in the range of what is affordable for you. Hope this helps!
J. Wethe, M.D.
Dr. Curtis Wong wrote on :
Only you can decide if a tummy tuck is right for you after discussing the pros and cons with your surgeon. As for payment plans, very few surgeons provide financing so you would have to see if you qualify at sites such are http://www.carecredit.com. If its only a weight issue, it is always better to focus on losing weight and becoming more active!