タンヤプロックター SAID:

can I breast feed a year or two after having a breast lift?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Brooke Seckel wrote on :

    Breast feeding should be possible if you were able to breast feed before. It also depends on the type of lift. For more information please read: http://www.bostonplasticsurgeryspecialists.com/services/breast-surgery/breast-lift/

  2. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Usually the way I do lifts you can, but to know for sure call your doctor. He knows the technique he used, I don’t.

  3. Dr. Elliot Jacobs wrote on :

    There is no problem in breast feeding after a breast lift — that is if your breasts produce milk and all the milk ducts are intact. The problem is that some surgical techniques involved in the lift will sever the milk ducts — and it is problematic whether they will re-attach themselves.

    The best thing to do is to try — if you can express milk from the nipples, then you should be successful in breast feeding.

    Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
    New York City

  4. Dr. Tito Vasquez wrote on :

    Generally the answer is no, but depending on some techniques, you may be able to have some milk production

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