rip2244 SAID:

My whole family on both sides have died from many types of cancer and for the woman breast cancer. I just lost my 1st cousin to lung cancer. I would feel much better if my breasts were removed and implants put in. I have had many lumpectomy’s during my lifetime and still having trouble. If I had the money I would have done this years ago.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Brian Reedy wrote on :

    Thanks for your inquiry. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had losses due to cancer on both sides of your family. Depending upon your insurance and your family history, reconstructive surgery can possibly be covered by insurance. I would recommending consulting with your family physician for their opinion and referrals. I wish you all the best!

  2. Dr. M. Bailey wrote on :

    Anyone concerned about their personal risk of breast cancer should discuss their situation with a general surgeon who specializes in breast surgery for cancer. Sometimes the surgeon will also order genetic testing. Your personal physician should be able to recommend a surgeon (perhaps one of the surgeons who performed your lumpectomies). If your future risk of breast cancer is such that removing the breasts is advisable, insurance will often cover this. If your breast removal is covered, insurance will usually cover reconstruction with implants or other methods. General surgeons specializing in the breast should have one or more plastic surgeons who they work with regularly, so that reconstruction can be started at the time of the breast removal.

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