ErinDann SAID:

How much is a tummy tuck? And how do you go about getting one?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    Call the office and set up your complimentary appointment. I will examine you , discuss what your need and fully inform you on the fees. Any quote over the internet will not be accurate as it is important to see what you need.

  2. Dr. Michael Law wrote on :

    The price of a tummy tuck can vary, sometimes significantly. The price will be based on the training and expertise of the surgeon, the facility, the surgical team, including a board-certified anesthesiologist – or not. There are certainly ways that some surgeons can cut corners to offer lower prices for a tummy tuck or any plastic survey procedure. Cutting corners can result in less than ideal results, or possibly putting your health and well being in jeopardy. Look at many, many before and after photos to see evidence of the kind of work your plastic surgeon can do. Check for board certification and the training of your surgeon. Many surgeons (myself included) will also include information about their philosophy and even educational videos on their website.
    You are trusting someone with your health, well being and appearance. Take your time doing your research. The most expensive plastic surgeon may not be the best, but the plastic surgeon with the lowest price is almost certainly not the best.

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