ChristinaEllett SAID:

I am 21 i have had three kids and from that my breasts and flabby and hanging. I was wondering what could be done to bring them up and make them perky and full again…i am feeling so unattractive because of this please help

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Janet Turkle wrote on :

    A breast lift, or mastopexy, would lift your breasts to their former position. In some cases, implants are needed to restore lost volume. If you are finished having children, a consultation to determine exactly what you need is important.

  2. Dr. Ronald Stefani wrote on :

    After childbearing the breasts can be rejuvenated by a breastlift procedure. Visit my website at to learn more about this procedure.

  3. Dr. Gustavo Galante wrote on :

    At times an implant alone can improve the appearance of mildly drooping breasts. If the sagging is more significant, a breast lift in addition to an enlargement with implants may be needed. This can be determined with a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.

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