'davidDavis' SAID:

I am a 45 year old male who was in a fall seven years ago that permanently injured my back on both the lumbar and thoracic areas. As a result I can no longer exercise and even with a healthy diet have gained a large amount of weight. I know plastic surgery usually isn’t ideal for someone who needs to remove a lot of fat but are there any options there to help someone who is in my position and is very obese. I need to also mention that I have had barbaric surgery which resulted in a gastric fistula and now two stomach openings that are functioning. Please help me.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. John Newkirk wrote on :

    I would be happy to examine you now and give you options for eventual removal of fat and skin. I think that before you have any plastic surgery procedure, the gastric fistulas need to be addressed and solved. I could not do any elective plastic surgery on an abdomen in which a fistula is draining.

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