I do not think she should have it removed. It will probably return, but larger.I think the first treatment should be a trial of “cortisone” injection. If that works, it probably needs to be repeated. If it does not work, adding 5FU to the “cortisone” may work, or a trial of Bleomycin. If all else fails, excision with immediate low dose radiation is a last resort.
Keloids and hypertrophic scars are common in the shoulder area. If they develop, they can be excised, but the chance of recurrence is high. Excision with combination of steroid injections and silicone scar therapy will help reduce the chance of recurrence.
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Dr. O'Neil Engeron wrote on :
I do not think she should have it removed. It will probably return, but larger.I think the first treatment should be a trial of “cortisone” injection. If that works, it probably needs to be repeated. If it does not work, adding 5FU to the “cortisone” may work, or a trial of Bleomycin. If all else fails, excision with immediate low dose radiation is a last resort.
DrFrankAgullo wrote on :
Keloids and hypertrophic scars are common in the shoulder area. If they develop, they can be excised, but the chance of recurrence is high. Excision with combination of steroid injections and silicone scar therapy will help reduce the chance of recurrence.