Reverse Tummy Tucks are most certainly not as common as a Standard Tummy Tuck as you mentioned. When performing this procedure I am very selective with patient candidacy. You will need to be examined by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to ensure you are a candidate for this particular procedure.
Is there any specific reason you are looking to have a Reverse Tummy Tuck vs Stand Tummy Tuck?
You may submit your photos and information to my patient coordinator so that I may conduct a photo review. She will then outline my recommendation in detail.
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Dr. Sam Sukkar wrote on :
Reverse Tummy Tucks are most certainly not as common as a Standard Tummy Tuck as you mentioned. When performing this procedure I am very selective with patient candidacy. You will need to be examined by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to ensure you are a candidate for this particular procedure.
Is there any specific reason you are looking to have a Reverse Tummy Tuck vs Stand Tummy Tuck?
You may submit your photos and information to my patient coordinator so that I may conduct a photo review. She will then outline my recommendation in detail.
All the best!
Sam M. Sukkar, MD, FACS