Is there such a thing as a neck lift that the scar is only behind the ear?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Rod Rohrich wrote on :

    In patients that have skin laxity in the neck, one can perform a necklift with a hidden incision behind the ear. This is done in a small number of patients that just have neck laxity without any significant mid-face laxity. This should be done in the hands of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with expertise in Facial Rejuvenation.

  2. Dr. Sam Sukkar wrote on :

    That is a great question! It will depend mostly on where you need the most tightening. You never want to compromise your result but trying to do less incisions.
    You will need to speak with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to discuss your goals and ensure you are a proper candidate.

    All the best!
    Sam M. Sukkar, MD, FACS

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