Why You Shouldn’t Shower With Soap

A whopping seventy-three (73) percent of over 500 women who participated in an exclusive FabOverFifty poll revealed that they use body wash or soap to cleanse their vaginas. Only 13 percent pass the test, and use vaginal cleansing wash. So what do the 13 percent of women probably know that the vast majority of us don’t?

showerThey likely know that perfumed body washes and soaps can irritate the sensitive skin down there, because even if you’re a thick-skinned kind of gal, that doesn’t apply to your vagina. As we age, this delicate skin starts to lose natural oils, just like the skin on the rest of our bodies, which can cause itching, pain, dryness, and even bleeding. Besides menopause, vaginal dryness can be caused by diabetes and antidepressants.

Although most of our mothers, and doctors, didn’t tell us how to cleanse our vaginas, it’s no longer taboo to talk about them. And, what we’re learning from those who finally are speaking up, is that sexual health is pretty darn important, physically and emotionally. Fortunately, more companies than ever before are creating products that can help us stay sexually healthy. Uniderm, based in Italy, is one of them and it’s come to America with its intimate hygiene line, called Lubrigyn.

Lubrigyn has been successfully selling across Europe since 2004, and now CVS is carrying it in most of its stores for American women who want to relieve their vaginal dryness using completely natural ingredients, free from hormones and parabens.

lotion-wipes1Lubrigyn Lotion doesn’t foam, unlike many other feminine moisturizers and cleansers, which allows the vaginal tissue to maintain its natural protective barrier, also called the hydrolipidic film, according to Giorgio Chiozza, who leads Uniderm. Consisting of water and oils produced by the sebaceous glands, the film retains moisture and protects the skin from germs and fungi. As we age, the film dries out and loses elasticity, which can lead to many of the problems we discussed earlier in this article.

soap“Foam is more aggressive than oils,” Giorgio explained. So while we usually associate foam with cleansing, it’s actually not a good thing when it comes to our vaginal tissue!

Lubrigyn Lotiona creamy, soothing, moisturizing and cleansing formula, can be used everyday, in the shower as a regular soap substitute, or applied with a tissue, without water. The lotion includes refreshing ingredients, such as sweet almond, jojoba and olive oils, chamomile and aloe vera, as well as sodium hyaluronate, a powerful, active ingredient that attracts and holds on to water.


Considered the ultimate moisturizer for facial skin, sodium hyaluronate also helps the vaginal tissue stay supple and moist, Giorgio emphasized. “No other intimate cleanser or wash in America has this important ingredient!”

A 7-fluid ounce tube of Lubrigyn Lotion is approximately $8 and should last 45 days. The Extra Value Package includes 15 Lubrigyn Wipes with the lotion, which are mighty handy when we’re traveling. Designed to gently but effectively clean and deodorize our intimate area, the wipes are infused with many of the same ingredients in the lotion and are hydrating.

Learn more about Lubrigyn here.

This post is sponsored by Lubrigyn. Thank you for supporting FabOverFifty!

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