As a result of a horrible remodeling nightmare my family endured 13 years ago, I have since been on a mission to help others avoid construction nightmares. I founded my website –ContractorsFromHell.com – to help people avoid, and deal with, home remodeling nightmares. We provide tips and guidelines on hiring and working with contractors. We also offer an online course, called “The Home Remodeling Bootcamp For Women,” to educate and teach women (and men, too!) the basics of preparing for a remodel; how to hire and work with contractors, and the legal considerations of which most people are unaware and which get them into trouble. Our mission is to teach women how to be in control of their projects, and money, rather than lose it all to contractors, and to have peace of mind and successful outcomes. It’s the pre-renovation process of research and planning that makes all the difference in having a great experience versus a remodeling nightmare. The course fee is a modest $67.