Callie Angell, 1948-2010

When I was in eighth grade, I was so distraught by the math grade on my report card, I entertained taking an overdose of aspirin to end my suffering.

The thought lasted for about a minute and then I  returned to my misery. Other than that minute, I have never thought of ending my life.

I love life, even with its extraordinary  handicaps, hardships and hurts.

Callie Angell, 62, saw things differently, She committed suicide this week, her newspaper obit said. Callie was an expert on Andy Warhol’s films and served as adjunct curator of the Andy Warhol Film Project at at the Whitney Museum of American Art and consultant to the Museum of Modern Art on the preservation of his films. She had worked on Warhol’s films for almost 20 years.

We all know happiness is complicated and sometimes elusive. Unhappiness isn’t fun. But hopelessness is frightening.

I am sad for Callie and the family and friends she leaves behind. She worked so hard, accomplished so much and then made the devastating decision to remove herself from it all.

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0 Responses to “Callie Angell, 1948-2010”

  1. j-tho says:

    i wish i could say her decision is baffling ~ but to me right now it is not. i was laid off from my wonderful job two years ago yesterday and have still not found a new one. i have been fortunate to found some consulting projects, some of which have been rewarding and satisfying, but it is not the same as a continuation of what had been until may08 a successful full-time career ~ a career that began as a single mom of two toddlers, brought me to several differently exciting metropolitan areas, included 15 years as my own boss, brought me back full-circle to the nonprofit sector, and connected me with many other wonderful professional women.

    but the truth is that few companies or organizations want to hire someone over 50, even for senior-level positions. it’s a dirty nonsecret in today’s job crisis. the money runs out, your networking contacts get burned out (or get laid off themselves), and you can’t help but wonder if the “successful” part of your career is in fact over. so during this past year ~ the second year of this untenable situation ~ i have in fact found myself pondering ~

    i don’t act because i, too, had a friend whose parent committed suicide, and i have two daughters (in their 30s) and two granddaughters. but i certainly empathize with the despair that brings one to the precipice.

    • Geri says:

      Hi J-tho,

      I am sad to read your comments. Is there anything faboverfifty can do to help you network with other women who may be able to help you, career wise? What would you like to do and where do you live? I’d like to help.


  2. Maureen@IslandRoar says:

    How sad. My ex’s father ended his own life when my ex was 20. The pain for those left behind really never ends.

  3. Heather Chapple says:

    So hard to understand…


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