Nora strikes again

If FOF Nora Ephron is anything like her writing, she’s a hoot. Who can forget the famous scene in her movie, When Harry Met Sally, when the woman sitting in a diner booth near Meg Ryan says, “I’ll have what she’s having,’ after witnessing Meg’s theatrical orgasm.

Nora is clearly a woman’s woman. “I try to write parts for women that are as complicated and interesting as women actually are,” she’s said. Now she’s whipped up a new treat for us called I Remember Nothing, And Other Reflections, a collection of stories about failure, divorce and memory loss. Interviewed this morning on National Public Radio, Nora read from her book’s opening statement:  “I’ve been forgetting things for years—at least since I was in my 30s. I know this because I wrote something about it at the time; I have proof. Of course I can’t remember exactly where I wrote about it or when, but I could probably hunt it up if I had to.”

Here are a couple of other titillating tidbits:

“I am never going to tweet. I’m just never going to.”

“You do get to a certain point in life where you have to realistically, I think, understand that the days are getting shorter, and you can’t put things off thinking you’ll get to them someday,” she says. “I you really want to do them, you’d better do them.  There are simply too many people getting sick, and sooner or later you will. So I’m very much a believer in knowing what it is that you love doing so you can do a great deal about it.”

What I love doing is working on FOF. My career has taken many wonderful turns, but nothing has been as much fun as creating a website about the greatest generation of women on earth, Nora included.

0 Responses to “Nora strikes again”

  1. Preppy 101 says:

    Her words resonate with all of us, loudly and clearly. And thank you for what you’ve done. xoxo

    • Geri says:

      Hi my dear Preppy,

      You are welcome.


  2. LPC says:

    Go you, Geri. Go you.

    • Geri says:

      Hi LPC

      You, too, LPC.



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