“I got to know my daughters as women before they became wives,” FOF Margaret Starner said. One of the leading women financial advisors in the country, Margaret was in New York from Miami to sit on a financial panel. We met for lunch and a chat, FOF style.
Margaret’s two daughters are now both married with children, but Margaret is glad they didn’t marry young. “It gave me a chance to see them as independent women, to hear about their jobs and their love lives,” Margaret explained. “I became friends with them and their friends.”
She recalls when one of her daughters (then single) discovered the book, All the Rules: Time-tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right. “She’d call all her single friends to tell them about each rule. Within a year, they were all engaged,” Margaret laughed.
Once our daughters become mothers and wives, they talk more about their husbands and kids. “I never talk to my mother about anything else,” confirmed 33-year-old Nicole, who was with us at lunch.
FOF women like Margaret set the stage for our daughters to be successful and to build careers. We’re excited to hear when they get promotions, new jobs and raises and to see how they’re structuring their adult lives. We also love to meet their boyfriends, their husbands, and eventually, their children.
0 Responses to “Our darling, dynamic daughters”
Preppy 101 says:
Amen to this post!!! xoxo