While I was enjoying a back massage at my neighborhood nail shop, I heard the following conversation between two FOF women.
FOF Woman A: “I love your blouse. I had one just like it that I threw out when I was going through my closet last year. It was in perfect conditon, clean and folded, and I loved it. I don’t know why I got rid of it.”
FOF Woman B: “This is from Ann Taylor. I’ve had it for years.”
Jenny Sanford did not throw out her paisley blouse. She probably likes it better than estranged husband Mark
Woman A: “I’m still trying to replace the one I threw out. I’ve been looking for ten years. It was a beautiful paisley like yours. I’ll never throw out anything again.”
Woman B: “But we’ve got to make room in our closets.”
Woman A: “I’ll never do that again.”
I have discarded enough clothes over the years to fill a chain of stores. I am a shopper, often compulsive, so I periodically go through my closet to discard or donate things I don’t wear, have never worn and will never wear. You’d think I was a juror deciding someone’s fate as I make my decisions about what stays and what goes.
I wish I was more like my former mother-in-law, who meticulously chose every item she purchased and wore it for years. She didn’t have an overwhelming wardrobe but she always looked elegant.
And think of the hours she saved never having to clean out her closet…or fret over a blouse she rejected a decade ago.
0 Responses to “The woman in paisley”
Geri says:
Hi Linda,
I love your art and will feature it on the blog when we launch the site in about a month. So appreciate that you will pass along the blog.
Hi Geri,
When I left a long term career three years ago, I gave away so many designer purses, suits etc. The thinking was I would become the bohemian artist I always new I could be. The other part of the plan was to never color or flat iron my hair again. The plan lasted about two weeks when I looked in the mirror and decided Clarabelle had better looking hair than I did, and the sweatshirt, now laden with oil paint could stand in the corner by itself. What was I thinking?
Yes, like mad…a painting a day for a few years (a trend in the artworld) small 6″X6″ oils. I just finished illustrating a childrens book, 35 watercolors. I’m on to larger works in oil now. http://www.lindamccoyart.blogspot.com. There is another life after corporate life! Your blog is great, I’m passing it along!
I’m a little too pooped out tonight to be reading blogs and commenting but if anyone would understand this it would be you Geri. I thought the conversation above was more about “gettingridof and tossingout” her crummy husband. Not so much the blouse!
Funny how the FOF mind works sometimes…..
i regret that i abused a handbag that my mother-in-law gave me when i was 23, almost 40 years ago. IT WAS AN ORIGINAL HERMES THAT SHE HAD BOUGHT IN PARIS. WHO KNEW! 🙁
0 Responses to “The woman in paisley”
Geri says:
Hi Linda,
I love your art and will feature it on the blog when we launch the site in about a month. So appreciate that you will pass along the blog.
Linda McCoy says:
Thanks Geri!
Linda McCoy says:
Hi Geri,
When I left a long term career three years ago, I gave away so many designer purses, suits etc. The thinking was I would become the bohemian artist I always new I could be. The other part of the plan was to never color or flat iron my hair again. The plan lasted about two weeks when I looked in the mirror and decided Clarabelle had better looking hair than I did, and the sweatshirt, now laden with oil paint could stand in the corner by itself. What was I thinking?
Geri says:
Hi Linda,
LOL Clarabelle had quite a do. Have you painted?
Linda McCoy says:
Yes, like mad…a painting a day for a few years (a trend in the artworld) small 6″X6″ oils. I just finished illustrating a childrens book, 35 watercolors. I’m on to larger works in oil now.
http://www.lindamccoyart.blogspot.com. There is another life after corporate life! Your blog is great, I’m passing it along!
Geri says:
Hi Lisa,
I think she really was talking about a blouse. She wasn’t as deep a FOF as you or I. 🙂
oxo Geri
Lisa Porter says:
I’m a little too pooped out tonight to be reading blogs and commenting but if anyone would understand this it would be you Geri. I thought the conversation above was more about “gettingridof and tossingout” her crummy husband. Not so much the blouse!
Funny how the FOF mind works sometimes…..
Raina says:
I regret I didn’t save more for my daughter. But then again, I never thought I’d have children.
Geri says:
Me too
Geri says:
i regret that i abused a handbag that my mother-in-law gave me when i was 23, almost 40 years ago. IT WAS AN ORIGINAL HERMES THAT SHE HAD BOUGHT IN PARIS. WHO KNEW! 🙁
lady jicky says:
I do think that certain things , especially shoes do date and so, I try to toss out things but… I do have some regrets 🙂