Welcome to the world of FOF women

It’s exciting to open my email and see a.) Women from around the world are signing up as members of faboverfifty.com. b.) FOF women have worlds in common, no matter where in the world they live or how they live.

“I raised my family as a single mother and had a successful career where I traveled the globe.  I am recently semi-retired and am enjoying the fruits of my labor by being close to home and rediscovering ME.  I love to share my knowledge with other women so they too can be fab over fifty.” –Melanie from Baltimore.

“All we women are fab over fifty, with our experience, wisdom, boldness, beauty inside and out, our achievements, you name it. Some may think we are invisible, but we certainly are not! WE STAND OUT!”  –Anna from Espoo, Finland

Anna from Finland relaxing in the sun in India

“Been places, met people, planted trees, wrote articles and two books, had a son, kept same husband for more than 30 years, ups and downs in passion but love still young, told jokes, laughed a lot, enjoyed life, been fat, now thin, always healthy, had the usual scare… great doctor, caught in time… wear a pink ribbon life after 50 great almost everything to be tried again.” — Vicky form Buenos Aires

“We are intelligent, attractive and fun and we love to enjoy life. We are (finally!) confident with who we are and happy to share our experiences and knowledge with other women. Here’s to us!”–Talmadge from Toluca Lake, CA

I can’t wait for Melanie, Anna, Vicky and Talmadge, as well as all the other FOF women around the world, to be part of faboverfifty.com. We’re hard at work to make sure it’s every bit as fabulous as they are.

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