You’ve got to watch this video

Dear FOF Friends,

Jayne Conroy, one of the stars of the video
Jayne Conroy, one of the stars of the video. Photo by Vincent Ricardel.

I invite you to watch a short and lively video introducing you to It was produced and directed by David Berman, a talented young man who is the head of Striker Films. I think David has perfectly and succinctly captured the essence of FOF.

I also want to thank all the FOF women who helped give the video so much pizazz. They are Catherine del Spina, Jayne Conroy, Nina McLemore, Cathy Paul, Susan Grant, Lois Whitman, Alison Spear and Terry Gibralter. And, of course, my associate Lina Perl. Thanks as well to my friend and wonderful photographer, Vince Ricardel,and to FOF Sharon Hoffman, who generously offered use of her NYC apartments as sets. You’ll get to know all of the FOF women better–as well as scores of others– when we launch FOF in a couple of months.

Creating FOF is truly the most exciting project of my career because it combines everything I love to do: Meeting fabulous women, networking, conceiving and selling a concept, working with a passionate, smart, creative team, and, finally, watching it all come together.

We look forward to welcoming you to soon. We know you’ll be as excited as we are about the possibilities.

Geri Brin

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