The Home Beauty Remedies that FOFs Swear By

What did FOFs do before there were fancy-shmancy lotions and potions? They treated their wrinkles and imperfections with things they found from the earth–raw herbs, plant and animal oils.

Now, some FOFs are nixing modern anti-aging treatments and creams loaded with chemicals and other unidentifiable ingredients in favor of the all-natural remedies used by our FOForemothers. “Recently, my nutritionist encouraged me to get as far away from manufactured creams as possible,” says FOF Trish Perry. But, do these natural remedies actually work? We spoke to FOFs who swear they do and dermatologist Dr. Jessica Krant about what the current research says about these age-old beauty secrets.

Tell us: What natural home beauty treatments do you use?

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0 Responses to “The Home Beauty Remedies that FOFs Swear By”

  1. Mercedez Kuffa says:

    Hi everybody, I am a forum owner on this particular and i would be glad if you people would let me do a few post here so that i can share my knowledge. I prefer to ask your permission as i have seen people attacking me that i am from another forum and i am simply taking ideas from there to post here. This is a disclaimer please.

  2. joyzkim says:

    I read a long time ago that Sofia Loren used Extra Virgin Olive Oil on her skin and so I adopted this as well. When I’m relaxing at home, I cleanse my face and smooth olive oil onto my face and just relax for thirty minutes. I also use extra virgin coconut oil on my body and face. It smells great and now I even see these ingredients in some of those higher end over the counter products.

  3. gramhebert says:

    dont have any home remedies But would love to learn more about them

  4. Bigdeohgee says:

    I have been making my own garlic nail ploish for quite some time.I believe I saw it on Dr. Oz. The only downfall so far is the smell. It is very powerful but in time wears off. Wouldn’t recommend running out the door right after doing your nails… I also use olive oil to remove my eye makeup. Works very well.

  5. Glenyse says:

    I think I need to make a shopping list!

  6. sweet says:

    As a breast cancer survivor I’m very skeptical of what I use on my skin too I use olive oil on my hair because is very dry and brittle also to make a paste with sugar cane to exfoliate my body

  7. VJ says:

    Since I have stopped using commercial products I have noticed much improvement in my skin. I no longer have milia. I still have a couple of old ones on my eye lids that will have to be professionally removed because they are too close to my eye for me to remove myself, but no new ones.
    Natural products… olive oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, apricot oil, coconut oil, hemp seed oil… all wonderful for cleansing and moisturizing. Just make sure you are using organic. And don’t forget they are good taken internally. And be careful about buying into the “medical experts opinions.” Many of them will tell you there is nothing proven about the effectiveness of these products. Try them yourself. And give them a few months. They usually don’t show improvements overnight. But that’s what we want, right? Instant gratification.
    We need to be more careful about what we put on our skin and what we take internally.
    Most of what we need we can find at the organic grocery. We don’t need anything from the cosmetic counter at Dillard’s!
    Have you seen this?
    Makes you think twice about buying from your local grocery.
    We now drive 70 miles to an organic grocery to purchase most of our food. It is quite a trip but I have Rheumatoid Artritis, so I’m getting more and more concerned with what I put in and on my body.
    I grow my own herbs. Inside. In a claw foot bathtub. In my breakfast nook. I know, I know. Not many people have the space or the inclination to do that. It is worth it to me. I love to cook with fresh herbs and to know they are organic.
    And I would love to have the firm and non-wrinkled skin I had in my early 40’s but I know that is not going to happen. Even surgery is not going to bring back my youth.
    I would rather look the way I do than look like some of the celebrities that have had WAY too many face lifts.
    Well, I have been on my soapbox again. Sorry. As you might be able to perceive from this post, this is a real pet peeve of mine.

  8. AJB says:

    A few years ago I had a rather severe problem of a layer of dry skin that built up on my face and none of the moisturizers or scrubs I tried using helped. I was about to go to a dermatologist when I heard about a papaya-based mask product and tried it. The mask worked great and cleared up my dry skin in a week. I learned the reason it worked so well is due to the enzymes in the papaya that act as a natural exfoliator. An easy home remedy is to buy a fresh papaya (pineapple also works), mash up the fruit and apply it to your face as a mask. My skin tends to be sensitive to most scrub products and using fruit to exfoliate is a great alternative that achieves very effective results. If you don’t want to buy the fruit to make the mask yourself, the ready-made papaya mask product I got is called Dispel and is available at ClearlineOnline.

  9. AJB says:

    Interesting video about the sweet potato experiment.

  10. Sunn ymay says:

    Argan Oil is moisturize both my fingernails and my hair.
    I got a tiny bottle from Sally Beauty and it smells good, too.

  11. Ritarn1 says:

    I was blessed with a mom and grandmama who knew the value of organic and homemade beauty secrets, and I thank God for them daily. One of the favorites I learned was the exfoliative/softening benefits of extra virgin olive oil and steel-cut oatmeal. A thick heavy paste works miracles on the tough cracked areas of your feet and elbows, whereas a thinner concoction of the same ingredients used less often works wonders on your face. Mom always made her own almond butter to use as a follow up to soften and protect her skin, as did grandmama. Grandmama passed to the Lord at 82, without a wrinkle or blemish on her face. She washed her face with castile soap and never, ever used any other store-bought product. She saved and purified sheep’s tallow and scented it with rose petals and oil. All of her beauty products were in great demand, especially during the depression. If we were to go back to these basics, we would be naturally beautiful in the truest sense of the word. Oh, and if you think sheep’s tallow is sort of ‘gross’, look at some of the products sold and see how many of the emollients and softeners contain urea and then see what urea is. Think about some of the other ingredients are. Natural is always best. There is a plant called soaproot that is what it is called. It lathers, cleans and has the side benefit of softening skin rather than drying it. I’ve thought of writing a book of their ‘cleansers and cosmetics’, and just may do so!

  12. Sheila Kale says:

    Would you share the recipe for the face wash and mosturizer? Do you have anything for dry cuticles? I would love to know others too for anything. I love to know these things but I don’t have a clue, I didn’t have a mother so I wasn’t taught about such things.

  13. Ritarn says:

    Hi! I’d be glad to share. Email me at and I’ll email you back the info you want ASAP. Most of them are super easy.


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