Health Quiz Answers Revealed!

One of the biggest headache makers is keeping track of what medical tests to have, and how often, once we turn 50 years old.  Just when we think we have it all straight in our mind, new guidelines pop up, and we have to change course. We tested your knowledge about some of the important tests that help us detect potentially life-threatening health issues early.  Here’s how you did (correct answers highlighted in green).


The American Cancer Society says women between the ages of 45 to 54, at average risk for breast cancer, should have a mammogram:

 Every year (59%) 

Every 2 years (38%)

Every 6 months (3%)

Never (0%)



The American Cancer Society says women at average risk for breast cancer should have mammograms every ______, or every year if they choose, starting when they’re 55 years old.

 2 years (76%) 

6 months (19%)

3 years (5%)

Never (0%)


A colonoscopy is:

 An exam used to detect changes and abnormalities in the colon (98%) 

Cancer of the colon (2%)

Removal of the colon (0%)

None of the above (0%)



After reaching 50 years of age, women at average risk for colon cancer should have colonoscopies:

 Every 10 years (44%) 

Every 5 years (40%)

Every other year (16%)

Never (0%)


At what age should women at average risk for osteoporosis start getting bone density scans:

55 (56%)

45 (31%)

 65 (13%) 

70 (0%)


Women should get bone density scans starting age _________ if they display risk factors for serious bone loss:

45 (49%)

 50 (29%)  

55 (16%)

60 (6%)



Which are risk factors for serious bone loss (Check all that apply.)

 A bone fracture that occurs much more easily than expected (52%)  

 Loss of height over time (27%)  

 Stooped posture (11%)  

 If either of your parents had hip fractures (9%)  


It is recommended women over the age of 50 have screenings for sexually transmitted infections.

 True (52%)  

False (48%)



Which of the following are STIs? (Check all that apply.)

 Genital herpes (36%)  

 HIV/AIDS (19%)  

 Syphilis (16%)  

 Chlamydia (13%)  

Shingles (10%)

 Gonorrhea (6%)  


It is recommended women over the age of 50, especially those born between 1945-1965, get a HEP C test

 True (74%)  

False (26%)


Women who never smoked still should start getting CT Scans for their lungs starting at age:

 Never (41%) 

65 (23%)

55 (18%)

45 (9%)

50 (9%)


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