If they can fix it without giving me phytoestrogens, I’d love to try it. When I tried Estroven and some similar products I had spotting, like mini periods. My gynecologist said it was causing my endometrium to grow. It was worrisome to her as any time a post-menopausal woman has that type of growth and/or bleeding, she has to test for abnormalities. I had ultrasound, a very painful biopsy, and finally a D&C under general anesthesia. (There was absolutely nothing wrong in there.) I had to weigh the cost and uncertainty with possible yearly surgeries, or just endure the hot flashes, etc. This past time I told the gynecologist that sex with my husband was becoming very uncomfortable, even though he, um, prepped me. Outside it was okay but I felt the pain way up high inside. She prescribed a tablet to be inserted twice a week vaginally. It seems to have helped with the comfort, though I am having a few skin problems.
You didn’t miss any info. Sit tight and you’ll soon be hearing from our alliance of FOF bloggers and #NovoNordiskSponsor about an issue that affects 75 percent of us.
Between dry eyes, dry mouth and surgery let’s face it my entire body is dry!!! Would love to hear a way to deal with this aside from prescription medicine. However anything would be a help!
0 Responses to “Important Questions To Ask Yourself!”
MissSBB says:
If you have dryness issues, try the Good Clean Love Almost Naked personal lubricant that I learned about right here on this website. It’s terrific!
kelley connors says:
Great convo but we don’t need a drug company’s involvement do we?
Geri says:
Hi Janice,
Nothing bad headed your way.
Janice says:
Sounds interesting although I really don’t have a lot to complain about at 62. Is something bad heading my way?
J Green says:
real help would be appreciatd
Cheryl R. Lee says:
Is this an online gathering or is everyone meeting in several cities? I’m definitely interested.
Geri says:
Hi Cheryl,
Sit tight and you’ll soon be hearing from our alliance of FOF bloggers and #NovoNordiskSponsor about an issue that affects 75 percent of us.
Geri says:
Hi FOFriends,
Thanks for all your comments. Our alliance won’t be about a product, but will be addressing how women can come together to break a taboo.
Loesje Shema says:
If they can fix it without giving me phytoestrogens, I’d love to try it. When I tried Estroven and some similar products I had spotting, like mini periods. My gynecologist said it was causing my endometrium to grow. It was worrisome to her as any time a post-menopausal woman has that type of growth and/or bleeding, she has to test for abnormalities. I had ultrasound, a very painful biopsy, and finally a D&C under general anesthesia. (There was absolutely nothing wrong in there.) I had to weigh the cost and uncertainty with possible yearly surgeries, or just endure the hot flashes, etc. This past time I told the gynecologist that sex with my husband was becoming very uncomfortable, even though he, um, prepped me. Outside it was okay but I felt the pain way up high inside. She prescribed a tablet to be inserted twice a week vaginally. It seems to have helped with the comfort, though I am having a few skin problems.
Thenia C. Badillo says:
Helen says:
Thanks for asking!
marye says:
What date? What city, state?
Interested at the moment!
Mesh says:
Where…is this taking place? Date? City? Time? Or did l miss this info in article?
Geri says:
Hi Mesh,
You didn’t miss any info. Sit tight and you’ll soon be hearing from our alliance of FOF bloggers and #NovoNordiskSponsor about an issue that affects 75 percent of us.
Best, Geri
Susan M says:
Okay, if it helps!
Kim Smith says:
can hardly wait
Carolyn says:
Can’t wait!
Pamela Button says:
Between dry eyes, dry mouth and surgery let’s face it my entire body is dry!!! Would love to hear a way to deal with this aside from prescription medicine. However anything would be a help!
Michele Cox says:
That should be interesting!
dorothy borgese says:
can’t wait