Win Femmerol, An All-Natural Menopause Relief Supplement

If you’re one of the 2 million women reaching menopause this year, you will likely experience distressing symptoms like hot flashes, sleeplessness, mood swings and night sweats, which are triggered by decreasing levels of estrogen in your body. Fortunately, you can find relief in a number of ways, including the all-natural herbal supplement Femmerol®.

Menopause is personal. Menopause is unpredictable. Menopause is disruptive. But, above all things, menopause is natural. As you transition into this next life stage, no one will better understand how it affects your body or be a better advocate for your health and wellness than you.

“Femmerol works to support a healthy hormone balance and relieve perimenopause and menopause symptoms. Menopause is completely natural. The best relief is too,” says Femmerol creator, Sabina Fasano.

If you’re ready to help relieve your menopause symptoms naturally, enter below to win a three month supply of Femmerol.opener

After entering, tell us why you want to try this all-natural supplement in the comments section below. We also invite you to ask Sabina menopause questions on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #AskSabina.

Be sure to visit for more information about the product.

By entering this giveaway, you agree to receive e-mails from Solutions For Women (the makers of Femmerol), and FabOverFifty.


10 FOFs will win. (See official rules, here.) Contest closes October 12, 2015 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S.

0 Responses to “Win Femmerol, An All-Natural Menopause Relief Supplement”

  1. Wen Budro says:

    I want to win this because menopause symptoms are the worst. I would love to get a little relief.

  2. lilyk says:

    I want to try this supplement because it looks very useful!

  3. Julie Camp says:

    Hot flashes 24/7
    SUCKS !!

  4. kathy pease says:

    I turned 50 in july and have been having wicked night sweats..I am still running the fan in october.

  5. Annamarie Voss says:

    I really need help with my hormone balance, it’s so unpredictable when it fluctuates it would be great to take something to help.

  6. Laurie Emerson says:

    I would like to try this as I am so tired of feeling as if I have completely lost all control of my body. I feel as if my internal thermostat has gone completely out of whack and I never know what it is going to do next.

  7. Kimberly Flickinger says:


  8. joy says:

    Sweat, sweat and more sweat day and night. I hate it!

  9. Aida Orellana says:

    Lack of sleep and tired the next day is my “regular” thing these days! 🙁

  10. Debbie Harsh says:

    It would be nice to find something that controls my temperature, and helps my mood. Winter is coming and my family doesn’t want to freeze. lol

  11. Linda Moore says:

    I’ve been hot flashing for 8+ years. When will it end?

  12. Denise Johnson says:

    Sweat rolls down my face and DRIPS. My hair is wet and clothes soak; and this is when I’m awake. Pillows fear me because they may suffocate from being thoroughly saturated in my sweat; they do last long. Sleep is an abstract concept.

  13. victoria dorney says:

    So tired of trying to find a natural solution to these hot flashes. I always looked like I got hit with a pail of water. Look great when I leave the house but not even 1 hour later Obama fanning myself and the waterproof makeup is running down my face. Menopause should not make you look like Alice Cooper…

    • victoria dorney says:

      That’s fanning myself darn auto correct@$#!!!!

  14. Brenda French says:

    I’d love to try something all natural and herbal with no chemicals and preservatives. It would be perfect for my body!!

  15. Diane Hernandez says:

    It would be great to get rid of the hot flashes!

  16. susansmoaks says:

    i want to try this because i need it!

  17. Christa Ruvolo says:

    Also can’t take hormones and love the all natural aspect of this product. Can’t wait to try it! Night Sweats (and day sweats!) and moodiness have become so tiresome. Ready to feel better.

  18. Marilyn says:

    Cannot sleep at all. No energy.

  19. Stella Augustowski Ferraiuolo says:

    I am so ready to try it! While reading the details my face became red, chest & face sweaty along with a faster heart beat. Just another hot flash!

  20. says:

    I am unable to take hormones since being diagnosed with breast cancer seven years ago. I am currently taking black cohash for the hot flashes/excessive sweating, which works okay but I would much prefer to take something that covers all of the symptoms of menopause. It is quite embarrassing when you are sweating, with your hair appearing as though you just jumped out of the shower, and people around you are wearing sweaters or jackets. I would love the opportunity to try Femmerol in hopes of helping in helping with all of the symptoms.

  21. bonniesawinner says:

    The timing of the hot flashes is like some kind of torture….as soon as I drift off to sleep, boom, I get one that wakes me up.

  22. disqus_l7uUNjCwpe says:

    You name it I experience it but the scariest s the irregular heartbeats

  23. Darla Kidder says:

    I am so tired of having hot flashes and not being able to sleep.

  24. Sharon Swiney says:

    would love to win, would love to try natural product to help with mood swings and not sleeping

  25. Alviegirl says:

    I am almost 61, a “straggler” in menopause parlance but my night sweats, mood swings and hot flashes are no less intense than friends 10 years younger who are going through it with me. I would love to find some relief!

  26. Lisa says:

    hate not sleeping!!!

  27. Stella Augustowski Ferraiuolo says:

    24/7 hot flashes aka “mental pause”. Lol

  28. Susan Day Pfeifer says:

    Hot and Tired.

  29. Frances Pedison says:

    Mood swings, sleeplessness and hot flashes really get me down. I have been looking for an all natural product that would take care of all my symptoms. Would love to try your product.

  30. bewitty says:

    I would love to try because so far I have not found anything that seems to help

  31. karen12386 says:

    Would love to try and see if this would help balance my hormones….

  32. Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) says:

    Woohoo!!! Baby…Oh…Baby does this Ozark Farm Chick want to be the AFTER. ‘Just sayin’…..

    Ya know ya have a problem when ya catch the Hubby fannin’ the covers. True story.

    From the steamin’ hills and hollers of the beautiful Missouri Ponderosa, ya’ll have a most beautifully blessed day.

  33. Patty Genova says:

    Been dealing with menopause for awhile now, with nothing helping my symptoms

  34. Lynda Christian says:

    I’m intrigued, I’ve tried several different things and would love to find something that actually works.

    • Sabina says:

      Hi Lynda,

      Let’s connect! We can chat about how Femmerol could work for your symptoms. Contact me at Phone: (954) 533-2603.

      All the best.

  35. Melissa Green Hartley says:

    I want to win this supplement to help me deal with hot flashes & insomnia.

  36. Debra says:

    dont like the night sweats or the hot flashes

  37. Barbara Mayes says:

    trying to find relief for the last couple of months..I really don’t want to have to go back on HRT.

  38. Kim Cage says:

    I have been going through menopause for over 10 years now and am really tired of it!! Would love something that would help the symptoms!!

  39. Jacki Payne says:

    I am just starting menopause, and the hot flashes, restlessness/insomnia, forgetfulness, and night sweats are making me crazy!! HRT is not an option for me, so I am looking for other types of products to try.

  40. Jennifer Miller says:

    I’m in perimenopause and I have a hard time with anxiety, forgetfulness and waking frequently at night.

    • Sabina says:

      Hi Jennifer, this is Sabina.

      I’d love to chat with you about this and how I may be able to help. Contact me at Phone: (954) 533-2603.


  41. Joyce says:

    Being a runner, I have always educated myself regarding a natural approach in the way of supplements to replace what running uses more readily! Our dwindling reserve of hormones need maintenance and potential kick-starts to keep us balanced and healthy in our daily pursuits! You have tweeked my interest FEMMEROL……..:-)

  42. dorothy borgese says:

    I soooo need this.


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