Get Grounded Footwear is partnering up with FabOverFifty this spring to give away its innovative grounding sandals! When we first heard about the sandals last year, we asked Justin Donoghue, 3rd Planet’s COO, to explain the concept of grounding and to tell us how Groundals can benefit our health.
Now, 3 lucky FOFs have another chance to win a pair of Groundals ($49.99 with free shipping), in the size and color of their choice.
See real FOF reviews of Groundals here.
Featuring 3rd Planet’s proprietary Terra-Technology® (a type of vinyl with a grounding additive), Groundals are contoured for comfort at our feet and to provide traction on the soles. They currently come in gold, silver and black, but additional colors will be available in the future. Sizes are medium, medium-large and large.
Are you ready to sport these healthy sandals this summer? 3 FOFs will win.

To enter to win, comment below by answering the question:
Why do you want to ground yourself?

Want more chances to win?
3 FOFs will win. (See official rules, here.) Contest closes April 23, 2014 at midnight E.S.T. Contest limited to residents of the continental U.S.
0 Responses to “Win A Pair of Grounding Sandals!”
Mary Kearns-White says:
As a kid I ALWAYS ran around barefoot & felt grounded. Now, with my sensitive feet, I don’t run around barefoot. With these fabulous sandals I can have that same barefoot benefits without the pain of walking barefoot.
Patrice Roussell says:
I would like to ground myself because I am having foot pain and feel a good shoe would help my problem.
Gloria Brantley says:
Who doesn’t want to be grounded!!!!
Marcy Strahan says:
I WANT TO GOUND MYSELF BECAUSE AT MY AGE FALLS CAN BE VERY BAD! These shoes would give me the fun of summer time yet the arch support I need!
angie p says:
Why do I want to ground myself? I cannot remember the last time that my feet didn’t hurt. I have screws, pins and a plate in one foot and my whole body aches from walking kind of crooked. I’d love to see how these feel. 🙂
Marie Clark says:
I’ve had surgery on my feet. I’ve had problems finding healthy fitting shoes & sandels. Would luv to have these!
Karen Lazzaro says:
following surgery, can only wear good well made (expensive) shoes
margara says:
I love being barefoot! these should keep my feet soft, while im at it! plus my heel tends to hurt, so these should help as well… Thanks!
Karen Drake says:
I would love to ground myself with these sandals because I have a pin in my knee and I have problems with pain and I hope these would help.
Laurie Emerson says:
I want to ground myself as it seems like I am always doing something for family and friends that I feel like I am a cloud going in fast motion.
lisa lo says:
I’d like to get grounded so I can walk better without lumbar pain.
Rita Sheppard says:
I want to ground myself so that I can be a better person for my family.
Yvonne says:
Growing up on a farm, and continuing today as an avid gardener, I understand the concept of grounding and connections to the earth. I can start to tell a difference in my overall well-being on about the third day, if I go without being grounded outside through a long walk, by going barefoot in my yard, weather permitting, or working in the garden. These sandals would be the perfect way to supplement the grounding I already do, for those times when my schedule or work breaks the connection.
Patricia Michko says:
I love wearing flip flops and these look so comfortable, grounding sounds awesome too!
Carla S says:
I need to be grounded for my health.
Evelyn Frierson says:
I would love to win this prize.
Jane Stieber says:
I have problems with my feet, so finding comfortable shoes and sandals is important. These look very comfortable!!
Shilo Beedy says:
I want to ground myself to keep my feet comfortable as I enjoy the summer
Nancy Grubb says:
I’ve heard that these sandals are so comfortable and they are very stylish. My feet have calluses that sometimes hurt in certain shoes, so purchasing comfortable ones are very important to me. I would love to win a pair and show them off stating I won them via Fab Over Fifty! Thanks for the opportunity!
Charlotte Winters says:
I need new sandals. Summer is coming! I’m a diabetic so it’s important to have good shoes.
Rosi McCoy says:
Thanks for the opportunity to win such a sweet looking and “good for me” pair of sandals! I need to be grounded – and it’s good for the people around me too.
Lisa says:
I want to be grounded as another way to be the best that I can be, and therefore support my family in the best manner that I can.
Carole B Martin says:
they look so great that I want to show off what made me a grounded person,
Janice Cash says:
I would like to be grounded because of my fibromyalgia. Ty for the chance.
L. Rose says:
I live in a pedestrian-friendly area. I can walk to the library, hardware store, grocery stores, movies, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. There are times when I can walk to work so I am really interested in good footwear. It would be fab if I could win a pair. I could really give the sandals quite a workout
elizabeth says:
So that I can make better decisions.
edith greene says:
Would love to win a pair they look so comfortable
susan h says:
They sound like they would save me money by not having to go to a foot doctor for my aching feet! And they are cute!
Phoenix says:
I spend a lot of time walking.
MaryAnn Pepe says:
Oh! My aching feet would be in heaven!
Being in these would keep me grounded this summer
cindy says:
comfort, conture and traction are essential to grounding oneself in stability for a perfect fit and enjoying the walk along the way.
Kay says:
I’ve had a heck of a year. Lost my job. Lost my Jeep. I’m finally pulling myself up. Could use these to keep me grounded and on track.
Laurie H says:
I would love to be grounded because I can’t walk in the sand anymore
Velvajean says:
May need to buy some for after the snow has left our front yard♡
Grounded in these would be a relief
Susie Day Pfeifer says:
I just love shoes
Paula Weekley says:
love sandals – but they have to be comfortable – these sound awesome!
Pamela Behrend says:
Feel overwhelmed with all the goings on so would love to be grounded!
amy rouse says:
to keep my feet fit and fabulous!
Tammi says:
Awesome giveaway..yes…yes…yes
mark hibbing says:
my wires are all conected correctly and i am grounded ok
Eva N. White says:
Grounded would keep me comfy and safe.
Marsha Crain says:
I am terrible about shoes-I hate them!!! I always go barefoot and this would be the next best thing. Please let me feel free!!
MARY says:
I spend all summer wearing flip-flops. These look so comfy…
Mary Stuck says:
Need to take better care of myself – starting with my feet!
Mary Ann says:
Always interested in a shoe that is comfortable and has as many benefits as this one does. Who would not want to be grounded???
cynthia says:
I would love to win the sandles!
Toni says:
I have wanted to try grounding but I work all day and live in a small condo and finding grass to stand in isn’t always easy!
Becky says:
So I can feel comfortable and relaxed and happy.
Sue Stebbing says:
I believe these sandals will do what they say they will. It is only common sense. In our current environment we need to do as much as we can to be as healthy as we can, and every little bit helps.
These Groundals are fabulous. They look so cute and they benefit your health…what’s not to love.
Grounded in these is perfect for summer
Stephanie says:
As I am aging, I find myself emotionally challenged by a number of issues. I have always been a strong, independent woman and now there are more times when I find myself requiring some help and reassurance from others. It is a bit disconcerting so I could definitely use to find my feet feeling more firmly planted on mother earth – especially in such beautiful sandals.
Jewel Hopson says:
After many years in the workforce, I’ve all but retired my high heals. Women have learned to endure small, torture chambers we call – shoes. Groundals would help me align my body in a natural position. Instead of being an extra six inches in the air, I’d rather have me feet on the ground.
Jewel Hopson says:
After many years in the workforce, I’ve all but retired my high-heals. Our feet were made to walk without small, torture chambers women have learned to call – shoes. Grandals would help align my entire body. I’m ready to ground my unnatural, extra six inches in the air and walk as nature intended.
Kim S. says:
I have severe arthritis in both feet and can’t walk barefoot on grass or the beach to get grounded. I want to benefit my health by grounding which reduces chronic pain & would love to give them a try!
Janet says:
So I can feel the warmth of the earth heat up my body.
Beth Williamson says:
They look like comfortable sandals!
Sarah Colbert says:
Great shoes for a vacation !!!
Docia Vagnerini says:
these sound wonderful,would love to try them. Thanks for the opportunity
karan lewis says:
What could be better?
rick bunnell says:
I waited all winter for some hot weather and I need new sandals.
Theresa Schmoyer says:
I would love a pair for the health benefits, including the anti-oxidization to improving my chronic back pain.
Barb Powell says:
Have a very busy schedule that keeps me on my feet & with a bunion on both feet, that hurts! I need to be grounded & these look like a comfy way to do that! Thanks! God bless 🙂
Robin SHeeran says:
I would love to win a pair of groundals. I am a nurse and I am a holistic nurse. This would help me when I am off duty to remain centered and grounded and remember the importance of taking care of myself as well as my patients. Thank you.
cynthia says:
I have no sandles at this time. I was thinking I needed to look for some with good support.
I love these.
cynde says:
I want to be grounded in my new healthier lifestyle! I am eating better, losing weight and exercising!
Theresa N says:
I’m behind on everything I need to get grounded and catch up.
Beth says:
The comfort of sandals and the freedom of bare feet– hope those sandals are coming my way.
janet says:
stylish sandals and all the benefits of walking in the grass!
I could use a little of the earths energy!
rcrouch says:
I would love these!
Cindy Saling says:
I want to be grounded – so my feet will not hurt me when I enjoy a multitude of summer activities and fun!
Mary Ann M. says:
I’m barefoot all the time & everyone is saying to put on shoes…I’d rather put on sandles & be grounded with these.
Keron Weathered says:
I really like sandals because my toes like to be out and not in shoes. I like the look of those sandals. I just got through walking and ran a little this morning in my neighborhood with sandals and it felt good!!!
Debra Thacker says:
I have neuropathy and I could really use a pair of these comfortable sandals.
Becky says:
I’m a sufferer of plantar fasciitis and have been on a very discouraging hunt for the perfect sandal. When I read the description of the Groundal – especially about the properties of improving chronic pain – my eyes lit up! My feet would love to slip into a pair! PS Living in Southern California gives plenty of opportunity to wear flip flops!
mary b says:
I have a lot of problem finding comfy shoes that look good.
I would love to try these. Look comfy to me.
gina says:
I dont like to walk barefoot, so this is the perfect option for me to supply my body with free electrons.
danielle brigandi says:
i am always in a cloud,i need grounding.
Asia says:
I’d like a soft landing when I come back to earth.
Kimberly says:
I love the idea of feeling like I’m barefoot and getting the health benefits, also.
Sandra says:
I have scoliosis and with that suffer from chronic pain. When I read that grounding or earthing provides health benefits, including anti-oxidization to improve chronic pain I knew right then and there that I must have a pair!
Janis says:
I do alot of walking at work and at home and would love to test the Terra Technology!
Penny DiPalma says:
So many gals in more pain than little ol’ me so good luck to you all!!!!!
janet rose says:
I go barefoot all the time in the summer. I am so interested to see how these would feel.
Dorothy Hubbard says:
You bet I want to get grounded and the sooner the better, as I am not very grounded right now.
Heather Cooney says:
I’ve been a barefoot girl all my life, but if I can get the same effect and have the traction I’m all over it.
Sara says:
I didn’t know there was a “word” for this! I have always preferred being skin-on-earth, but couldn’t really articulate why. This makes sense! Bring on the Groundals.
Karena says:
Perfect for spring and summer. I know these will be super comfortable!
The Arts by Karena
Tammy says:
I work outside in my yard all summer, they look very comfortable
Becky L says:
I feel more secure if I’m “grounded”. I have a heart condition that causes me to faint or lose my balance. These sound like just the ticket!
mag says:
Love the concept of these shoes. I have a bad knee and love to wear shoes that look great and give great support! Thanks for making these available to us.
Rae Nolan says:
Spending summer days on a boat sailing, I need a shoe that can be kicked off easily and that will help me from getting too fatigued. These are adorable and seem like a perfect fit.
BeckyIA says:
I LOVE going barefoot in the summer time. These look like the perfect sandals for my strolls around town!
Betty says:
I am all for anything that gives me comfort and these “groundals” look like they do just that and look great as well! Thanks for the opportunity to win a pair.
Maci says:
Have read about this and would love to give it a try!
tammy shelton says:
I want to ground myself with these awesome Groundals so I can be a walking advertisement.
Nanette M. says:
I love flip flop type sandals and these would just be soooo comfortable – I can just tell! And the grounding aspect sounds great!
linda lukich says:
I am a 56 year old hairdresser who stands on my feet all day. I think these shoes will make my feet happy!
Caroline says:
I am on a spiritual quest and being grounded brings me closer to the earth and allows me to feel the earth’s energy
Christa Reiter says:
We’re moving to Florida soon and these sandals would be wonderful to run around town doing errands or at the beach!
Deborah Lajoie says:
In the summer I am a flip flop person & they look so comfortable. At age 60 I think it’s about time I wore expensive & really comfy flip flops! haha
Diana Oswalt says:
My day is so busy that often my feet aren’t even touching the ground. I work with victim’s of crime and some days go by before I know it. I often need to be “grounded” to get my bearings.
Tonya says:
I’m going to the beach with my girlfriends and at least one of us NEEDS TO BE GROUNDED! We have the best time together as usual but a new story about my NEW SANDALS will add that much more excitement! Look out ladies, I’ll be the one in GOLD!
Sue Miller says:
I would like to get my feet grounded to keep plantar fasciitis away!
Sue says:
I think one should be grounded at some point before you’re an actual part of the ground.
Carole B Martin says:
I will be the most fashionaqble grounded person … envy of my friends
Cindy says:
I’m not sure if I believe the claim, but it can’t hurt.
joAnn says:
Yes would love to be grounded! great look ….too many heals in my younger days would love these sandals
Fran T says:
To be healthy 🙂
Sherry says:
Life is precious. Being grounded, fit, healthy and happy helps make it even more precious! Love the sandals!!!
Cheryle Mavis says:
Would love to win a pair of these sandals! Living in Florida, you live in sandals nearly all year long. Would love to try them and see if they help the Plantar Fasciitis in my right heel.
Kim Cage says:
A new, comfortable, stylish pair of sandals would automatically help me stay grounded by making my feet feel so, so good!
I have 6 screws in my lower spine and I have to be very careful about the shoes I wear. I need support and they must be comfortable.
Carole Bicondova says:
I don’t like wearing shoes so these may be the answer
Kathy S. says:
I had surgery for a torn meniscus in February and am trying to walk more to get back in shape. I’d love to ground myself to help deal with some of the pain and encourage me to keep moving! Thanks!
Dianna says:
I would love them because my-feet always hurt – I walk all day long and after having two knee surgerys’ I have yet to find saddles or shoes that can work for me….I would love this chance to wear these.Anything that feels natural to the feet or just plain healthier is for me.
Mia Bergman says:
I have the most sensitive feet ever – they ache all the time! Help!
Love to be more grounded with these
evelyn santiago says:
I spend a lot of time on my feet. But would love to be grounded.and.comfortable in these awesome sandals.
Frances Pedison says:
I have several ailments that I would benefit with being grounded. Just an overall since of clear mind and spirit would do wonders for the entire body which I definitely need. I had loved to get in the flower gardens in order to help ground myself in the past but it is getting harder for me to do lately because of lower back pain, tailbone inflammation/pain and pain in both knees. These sandals would enable me to be grounded in a less painful way.
anessa says:
comfy shoes make life so much more enjoyable!
Ginger says:
I would love to Ground myself for the health benifits and energy. The shoes would also look cute on my feet.
Marilyn says:
My feet hurt constantly and I would love to have some relief.
Kathleen Gereg says:
Living in an area where there are many festivals throughout the year, grounding sandals would be the perfect answer to my tired feet with all the walking I do! I just might be able to go that ‘extra mile!’
rhonda murphy says:
they look so comfy !
Sharon says:
I want to ground myself to become the best I can be…despite age, health, or any problem the world can throw at me!
Karen H says:
I do believe these would help my sore feet and aching back.
konny church says:
Melanie Hamilton says:
I stand at work on concrete floors . Would be wonderful to come home and slip on a pair of comfortable shoes .
Lorraine says:
After surviving 2 open heart surgeries at 50 I’m learning to really “live” and take better care of myself for the rest of my life. Now at 53 I have learned new healthy sport activities to stay strong, yoga to de-stress/balance, better eating habits and would love to win the groundals to be even more connected to this great earth.
Kathryn Gritts says:
I walk over 15,000 steps a day. These would be WONDERFUL
Diana D. says:
I live in flip flops all year long (at home). I love the feel of having my feet “breathe”. But most flip flops don’t offer any kind of support/contour. These sound exactly like what I would need. I would say I am already “grounded” having survived 2 separate cancers 10 1/2 months apart (breast and colon cancer). I went through a very difficult time emotionally but I came through it all – I am so much stronger and resilient than I’ve ever been. I’m so grateful to my good health and I never, ever take anything for granted. Each day is a new, exciting experience and I absolutely love life!
Theresa Dziatko says:
I would love to have comfy feet. It’s hard to find shoes that don’t hurt.
Thelma Rodriguez says:
I would love to try these sandals, I enjoy walking around barefoot and want to find out what it truly means “to be grounded?” Anything that will make me feel more comfortable since I do spend a lot of time on my feet and they do need a treat.
melinda singer says:
I want to feel the energy from the earth!
Angela S. says:
I’m turning 50 this year, a good reason to be grounded!
Deb M says:
Maybe if I were well-grounded I wouldn’t have so many fly-aways!
Myrna says:
My feet needs cushion when walking. Can’t walk for too long and I get so tired easily. I need a comfy sandals to sustain walking for hours. Thank you for this giveaway.
Sharron L. says:
I have lots of health issues, just do not post it hardly ever on sites. One of my problems is finding good shoes that do not hurt my feet. I would LOVE to own a pair of these & the only way I will get a pair right now is to win these! I need to be grounded and I think this will do it! Keeping my fingers crossed! Thanks for this opportunity!
Sandy says:
Years of bad shoes and foot issues. I want comfort now!
Beth W. says:
After years of dealing with pain, exhaustion and a little embarrassment, I had the varicose veins in my leg collapsed this past year. I am ready to put on a pair of sandals and shorts this summer and feel a little better, both physically and mentally. I would love a pair of sandals to help me stay grounded!
Kim Carroll says:
I believe in wearing good quality shoes to keep my feet healthy so I would love to try Groundals!!
Mary A McGaha says:
Love the look, must try. Love to win these in black.
JoAnne Kontak says:
I have the “WORST” feet imaginable! They are flat, arthritic, swollen and they hurt ALL the time. To add to the problem, I work at a school and am on my sore feet all day long. Love my job but I’ll bet it would be a whole lot more fun with feet that didn’t hurt all the time. They look very comfortable and look like they have great support for sore, tired feet. I hope I win and so do my feet!
Natalie Haynes says:
I have just learned as bout grounding. I have foot problems that prevent me from going barefoot. These grounding shoes sound like they would be perfect for me.
Soledad says:
I would love comfortable sandals! My feet are aching to get a pair.
june eggers says:
Once the snow is off the ground until it flies again I’m in some type of sandal. These look extremely comfortable.
Ann says:
I think it would make me feel more connected…and less scattered!
Rjcard says:
I would love to be grounded
Kristie says:
I need to be grounded because my feel hurt standing in these platforms off the ground!
Rhonda Cummings says:
I am on my feet for 12 hours/day on the weekend. I would love to feel the comfort of being grounded.
JanPattersonRN says:
As an RN working at the bedside and a bodyworker/energetic healer working with medically fragile children, I need grounding. Working barefoot generally isn’t an option, and grounding is so important in my work. Then for myself in my own time, being grounded while walking in the redwoods is just so lovely. And it’d help with my chronic joint pain 🙂
Corinne Garrett says:
Anything that mentally and physically aligns your chakra is of great value. I would love to experience the grounding effect.
Kimberley Thomas says:
I could use a new pair of sandles that are comfortable!
Eileen says:
I finally figured out that there is no substitute for good, comfortable grounded shoes. My feet thanks me every day after learning this.
Karen Smith says:
I live in high heels — even my tennis sneakers! I know grounding is important since I can feel the difference when I have the luxury of a week on the beach or the woods, where I can ditch the heels and go barefoot with the planet between my toes. Shoes that can do that for me would make a world of difference!
Nancy L says:
I live in Florida, so I naturally wear sandals almost year-round. These look really comfy & cool!
mell says:
I want to win because I need some comfy sandals to make my aching feet feel better.
Rosemary Simm says:
I’m a true earth child. I kick off my shoes at the first opportunity and pad around barefoot. My doctor will love these!! He has been after me to wear shoes as Florida grasses and sand are horrific with problems. They are really comfortable looking and stylish too. Just what I
need with warm weather starting.
Bonnie F. says:
Only when I am grounded will I be able to reach the stars!
Athens85 says:
I have two bad knees. I love to walk around the house barefoot because it makes me feel more stable. These sandals sound perfect for me. I would love to give them a try.
Janen says:
I want to be grounded for the health benefits, of course!
dorothy borgese says:
I live in sandals in the summer. My toes are wiggling already.
Silvia Bilotto says:
they look comfortable.
cheryl says:
I’d like to be grounded so my soul could move to the rhythm of the earth.
Linda says:
That feeling I get when I walk barefoot on the beach or fresh grass is what keeps me fully grounded and in the moment. I want to ground myself every moment and Groundals sound like they will do just that – I need Groundals to stay grounded all day.
Nezzy ( Cow Patty Surprise) says:
Woohoo!!! This Ozark Farm Chick is totally excited! Love, love, love (that’s allota lovin’) those flippies!!!
The love of my family and friends keep me grounded.
From the sunny hills and hollers of the magnificent Missouri Ponderosa, ya’ll have yourselves one fantastically blessed day now, ya hear??
I’m gonna………. :o)
marta says:
why not?
Faith says:
I am on the lookout for cute comfortable sandals every year as that is when I put the miles on.
Craig says:
I retired 4 years ago and it is time to ground myself so I won’t always be on the go
Pam Hogan says:
for better health
Laura Sherwood says:
I need some good sandals. My feet look like Fred Flintstone…I need something comfortable. thank you!
Jackie Burns says:
I am having total joint replacement in my big toe. I expect there will be some healing and possible pain for awhile. I sure could use some grounding if this will help me.
Aileen says:
Grounding helps heal me.
Kathy says:
would really love to try these, see if they help my lower back pain.
Kathy says:
These sandals look so comfortable I can just imagine myself slipping them on after a nice bath after work while tend to my flowers and garden. Oh how I can just feel them on my feet!
Jill says:
For health benefits, hopefully these help relieve hip pain.
Raina says:
I grew up “grounded” – barefoot and in connection with the earth more often than in shoes, particularly in the summer months. It’s not practical as an adult, but I’m still barefoot often! I’m also a runner, so these sandals would be welcome relief to my feet!
Linda L says:
I want to ground myself to feel more connected to mind and body.
Bunny says:
I am so stretched with being pulled here and there that I NEED to be grounded in order to relax a bit 🙂
Diane Hinkle says:
I’m grounded………too grounded……………but I never met a pair of shoes I did not want. I love shoes…….my feet would love these! 🙂
Carlie says:
I would love these! I go barefoot every chance I get. I didn’t know I was grounding myself. I have a lot of animals including chickens and goats and going barefoot in these areas are not an option. These shoes would be perfect to go all the way to freeing myself of harmful free radicals! great idea!
Jeralee Knittel says:
Full time job,watch grandson and parents,need some grounding 🙂
Dottie527 says:
Prove to me that they’re better than my Burks !!
Annette D says:
They look sooo comfortable and I am all about comfort!
Darcy B says:
I don’t drive–I walk everywhere—I need comfy shoes!!
Mary Beth says:
Would love to be ” Grounded” in these shoes. I see benefits for my health in general and specifically, for my tired feet.
Gail says:
I’ve broken my foot twice and still have intermittent pain — these look really comfortable!
Melinda F. says:
I want to ‘ground’ myself so that I can maximize my personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex world. Wearing a pair of Groundals this spring/summer would inspire me to feel and be my best self. Groundals may even dramatically improve my outlook on work and life. When your feet feel and look fabulous; you can move gracefully forward with renewed self confidence. This is why I want to ‘ground’ myself with Groundals!
Louise says:
Just walking again after a long illness, what better way to feel secure and comfortable.
Shirley A says:
Beach weather coming up!
Nancy Krueger says:
We may love to fly, but we are earthbound creatures. May as well be comfortable!
Vicki H says:
I want to ground myself because I never stop running, lol. Being grounded would be nice.
Debra Malone says:
Having bad knees I know how important shoes are.
These sound wonderful, would luv to win.
Tammi Stageberg says:
I need the calming effect as I try and heal some neurological damage done to my body by past meds.
Prhowell says:
When I am grounded, life is better within and outside of mr.
Rosiey says:
Healthy sandals? Great concept, always looking for alternative ways to improve my health.
Kathy says:
I walk a lot and do sometimes get a lot of pain in my knees. Being grounded will help me with my active lifestlye
Sunn ymay says:
Groundals look thicker than most sandals and like they would cushion the feet to make them less achy.
B. Lerner says:
Sometimes I have so many things on my mind that I think I might go crazy. Also, I’m going to have back surgery (really nervous about it) & these shoes would be great to have when I’m recovered.
Patti Kollar says:
I really need to be grounded – my brain is in the clouds lately! I realy like how these sandals look, and they look so comfy. They are pretty enough to wear anywhere!
Karen Cogburn says:
Need to be grounded in these.
deb c says:
My feet take/have taken a lot of abuse and a comfortable pair of sandals would be heavenly.
Julie Kordick says:
I am having bunion surgery this summer and will need comfortable shoes to recoup in
Lauren says:
Between my job and family my life feels crazy and I want something that makes my life easy.
Linda says:
Recently had lumbar fusion surgery. Have to be mindful of what I wear on my feet.
maureen says:
I need grounding after working as a nurse for 10 hour shifts!
Beth says:
I work in a busy Optometrist office 10 hour days, then come home to walk my 80lb dog. Fix dinner etc. My mind is always churning with what needs doing. Help me be more grounded, Please!
Cynthia Cusumano says:
Size 9
I want to be in better touch and grounded to improve my overall, spiritual, emotional and physical wellness. By doing so, I will be equipped to know my stressors, when I am stressed and how to alleviate stressors.
Kat says:
Anything to be healthier! Flip flops are my favorite footwear so would love to try some that will make my feet happy and my body healthy:)
Jeanie Robinson says:
I love love love to wear sandles as soon as the sun shines here in the Carolinas!
Sheryl Gossard says:
My feet always hurt and I am really looking for something that looks pretty and feels good!
An says:
After walking in heels all week, it’s great to get grounded in flats or bare feet.
Karen Leraas says:
I used to go barefoot all the time as a child and I do it inside but miss that earth connection because I don’t go barefoot outside anymore.
Sharon A says:
Would love to try these shoes out!
Barb B says:
I would love to replace my Crocs with these.
gayla reiter says:
As an earthy Virgo, would love these sandals!
Sherry F says:
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities.
Cherry Peterson says:
A pair of these would be most welcomed if they could ease the pain of the arthritis I have in both feet.
Rose-Ann C. says:
I have always been sensitive to static electricity, so being more grounded sounds like a really good thing for me!
Graylee says:
A busy Wife, A busy LIFE, some ME time, when there is NO TIME for ME time… Being “GROUNDED” while going about my busy day… what a TREAT! (~_~)
Anna says:
I have a terrible time with my feet and have not found any shoes that keep them from hurting!
Cherry Peterson says:
A pair of these would be awesome if they could ease the pain of the arthritis I have in both feet!!!
Kelly logsdon says:
Anything that helps me be healthier!!
Maureen O'Neal says:
I want the ENERGY from the earth to enter my body!
Drusilla Martin says:
I want to win these sandals because during the summer months I am on my feet A LOT!I think they would be great for handling my heel pain. They seem to be the next best thing to being barefoot. Who doesn’t love going barefoot in the summer?!
Connie Williamson says:
I just want my feet to quit hurting.
Susan says:
Have 3 grand kids who are very involved in my life. Who wouldn’t need to be grounded with this preciousness!
Sharyn Yenzer says:
Been though a hell of a lot this past year and I definitely need some grounding.
Abby Kraynick says:
I want to win these and be grounded because my feet always hurt, these look like a great pair of comfortable sandals that I would love to own!
Barbara M. says:
My head’s always in the clouds. I’d like to know what it’s like to be “grounded.” 😉
Sharyn Yenzer says:
Oh my aching feet! Would love these sandals.