I’m a sponsored blog partner of Ensure but all opinions contained in this post are my own.
If ever there was a generation of Can Do people who are always excited to accept and meet new challenges, boomers are it!
Whether we’ve run marathons, schussed down mountains, or bopped along with Richard Simmons, we’ve grown up energetically exercising our bodies–and minds. Even when Can Do people are working at the jobs we love, we’re determined to give them our maximum energy.
Once a Can Do person, always a Can Do person!
We may no longer be 25, but we still want to be as full of life as we were back in the day. It’s crucial to know, however, that we naturally lose up to 8 percent of muscle mass every decade, starting when we’re 40 years old. And, if we don’t do anything to prevent this loss–like exercising consistently and eating sensibly–we’re going to move more slowly, start losing our balance and slow our metabolism. It’s especially important to maintain our strength and energy if we’ve experienced an aging-related setback, whether it’s surgery, an accident, or a bad flu that can take it toll on the toughest among us!
When pneumonia sapped me of my strength last year, I had no intention of simply laying in bed and feeling sorry for myself. I had to get back to work, not to mention keep up with the demands of my then three-year old grandson, who loves visiting on weekends. Although I didn’t feel like eating a morsel (highly unusual for me!), I asked my sister to buy me a supply of Ensure nutritional shakes to fill in the protein, vitamins and minerals I needed. If I drank a shake a day, it would help restore my usual strength and energy, so I could go back to doing the things I love. When doctors recommend liquid nutritional products to their patients, Ensure is their #1 choice.
Happily, Ensure is smartly tapping into our vibrant Can Do generation with generous Can Do Giveaways of $1,000 a month for a whole year to three lucky people.
That’s $12,000 to help you do anything your little heart desires, from starting yoga lessons to teaching baseball to your grandkids, from taking cooking classes to going on that white water rafting trip you’ve been thinking about for years. Five weekly prizes will be awarded, too.
All you have to do is enter your email for a chance to win, and, you can increase your chances by watching short and snappy videos about some of the Can Do people of our generation. Start with this one, about Helen and Byron, who wouldn’t let a serious accident involving two deer stop them from going back to the thing they’ve loved doing for decades. Find out what it is they do that people half their age would never even try. And how good nutrition helps them do it, and continue to lead “long, happy and healthy lives.”
Like me when I had pneumonia, and Byron after his accident, we weren’t about to let a health setback define us.
If you ever thought Ensure was just for older, ill people, think again. Ensure is surely for any of us who refuses to let the normal obstacles life throws at us keep us down and out of the game.
OK, now hop to it, and meet Helen and Byron.
And don’t forget to enter the Can Do Giveaway for a chance to win $1,000 a month.
“Ensure partnered with influencers such as me for its Can Do program. As part of this Program, I received compensation for my time. Ensure believes that consumers and influencers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Ensure policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.”
0 Responses to “Win $12,000 and Ensure You Can Do It!”
Julie Hunsinger says:
My mother is on a feeding tube (Jpeg) and she has to sip Ensure all day to try to keep her throat muscles from atrophy. She cant afford it so she drinks Coke and is under 90 lbs again.
BELLA5 says:
That is so very SAD! GOD BLESS your beloved Mother & YOU.
Tom Bedford says:
Saved my mother.
Deborah Tindall Smith says:
When my baby sister was weak from chemo and therapy, we gave her Ensure. It helped her get her strength back and did not upset her stomach. She loved the smoothies or just drinking it ice cold. It was very refreshing for her. I love the chocolate one and I love making smoothies with it.
dorothy borgese says:
I love the butter pecan and strawberry ensure. Love the Can Do motto
Germaine Harrison says:
I love the chocolate Ensure and I have been using Ensure for many years.