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Street Address

14442 Minnieville Road



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Why You're FOF

I pride myself on looking Fab especially when I am in public. I have eclectic taste, 'collect' unique jewelry and am known for coordinating jewelry with what I wear.

Did not have any real aging 'issues' until I was into my 50s. Having oily skin all my life became something of a blessing even though I still get a few pimples/blackheads due to large pores. No crows feet 'yet' but have the dreaded nose to mouth creases and vertical lines above my lip from years of smoking (NO MORE).

My body stayed pretty taunt until after menopause. I am 'stacked' and was blessed with good genetics. Never needed much exercise and had flat tummy and small waist. Then the 'spread' began. I can deal with some weight gain but this battle of the waist increase and tummy 'overlap' is disturbing and I want to do what I can to get rid of some of it.

Favorite Shop


What Every FoF Should Know

No matter how hard we try nothing is going to stop time. Even those fortunate enough to have the means to 'correct' the flaws are only covering up the inevitable. I do firmly believe that aging gracefully is a realistic goal. Women are bound to have facial 'character' as we age just like men do and we should be revered for it. I am so weary of women being considered 'old' while men are considered 'distinguished'. We bear the children, work had to take care of our families and some of it is bound to show on our faces but so what? Every picture tells a story and every line or wrinkle has a tale!

Taking care of our skin and moderate use of makeup does wonders to make us look as FAB as we know we are. The goal is to lookgood while not shocking anyone when the makeup comes off. We are Fabulous so lets carry the banner proudly!


Collecting unique bold opaque gemstone jewelry especially in colors of turquoise. Also passionate about friends and family, gardening, cooking, craft shows

I'm an Expert On

Not really an expert at anything but very good with computers/gardening/ cooking and of course SHOPPING and collecting shoes and jewelry

What I'm Working On

The ongoing never-ending process of an aging me me me


Retired AT&T Network Engineer



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