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Why You're FOF

You know I am 73 but I feel like I am younger than that. I would love to run and all the things you see these people do, but I am somewhat disabled, so those days are gone. But I have fun and don't look 73, so my darling granddaughter says.

Favorite Shop

Macys, was Mervyns, but they took them all out. Iwas mad!

What Every FoF Should Know

Stay happy. A few wrinkles will appear. My husband said they were a sign of happiness. Now he is gone, so the new ones I have are not happiness but lonelyness.
One thing some one once told me and it is so true.No matter how mad you are at him, or her, never go to sleep at night without kissing that person goodnight. You will feel better.
So. I guess with Botox and all the new stuff, it's a new world now. And people have many more opportunitys in life.


Watching my 2 great-grandsons, play little league ball. They are so good.

I'm an Expert On

I love to swim and am very good at it. Otherwise not much.


To have raised my children and have them all have good jobs.
To see my grandchildren grow up to be good responsible adults
and my great-grandkids growing up and happy. I just love them all so very much.

What I'm Working On

Right now I am sewing some blouses for my daughter. Never had time to get involved in outsiide things raising 5 kids myself, and 2 jobs. Now it is to late.


Retired from City Court

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