First Name


Last Name


Street Address

18285 little beach lane


cottonwood, CA

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Why You're FOF

i have had wonderful experiences in life. not all good, but sooner or later i learned something good out of each one. i have 2 great children and i love them and their families very much. i love my life and look forward to living more of it!

Favorite Shop

whereever there is a sale will do! ha! ha!

What Every FoF Should Know

take life as it comes. make good informed decisions. and take care of your health! and leave it in the hands of your Higher Power, who or what that my be!


painting! my family! reading! road trips! riding horses! living life to the fullest!

I'm an Expert On

nothing, i am not an expert at anything!


my greatest goal is…to reach a better understanding of what my Higher Power wills for me to do! to know his will for me at all times. and to carry it out would be awsome!! getting to know my Higher Power more each day. to have more meaningful and loving relationships, too!

What I'm Working On

i am currently working on a timber wolf in oils. it is very fun! also just started to clean out my living room! i am going to have a dedicated space for my art studio. finally i am going to take my art seriously! the living room has four huge windows in it so i will get lots of natural light in there. i live by myself so really don’t use it much anyway! i’ll still have a small section for a loveseat and a small television on the wall. i can’t wait to get all settled in to a studio!!! no excuses now, i’ll have to paint at home then!


i am a retired nurse, specialized in high quad clients.also a massage therapist, had a small business for medical massage and relaxation.



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