After my 4th child, I gained 100 pounds. I have lost some of that weight, but I have ‘folds’, & my skin breaks out on my tummy. Would a tummy tuck be considered cosmetic surgery through my insurance?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. O'Neil Engeron wrote on :

    My guess is the insurance company will deny coverage. Your physician needs to send a letter and photographs, along with all the things you have done to stop the ulcers from returning. They may even tell you in which hospital the procedure needs to be performed.

  2. DrFrankAgullo wrote on :

    If you have a lower abdominal fold and are having recurrent skin infections or breakdown in the area, you might qualify for a panniculectomy which removes the lower abdominal fold at the waist. You should see your PCP to have the skin breakdowns documented.
    This is different from an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck, which corrects the excess skin above the belly button and tightens the muscles.

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