I’ve had my saline implants for about 30 years & have never had a problem with them, with the exception that they are asymmetrical & have always been. I would like to have them removed completely & my natural breasts lifted… Is this a complicated procedure & do you have any idea as to the price of removal & lift?
0 Answers
Dr. Robert Buchanan wrote on :
Removal of breast implants and a lift is a very reasonable procedure. The capsule should be removed. the type of lift will be determined by the amount of droop present after the implants are removed. Therefore, the cost will be determined by the procedure. This can generally be determined preoperatively. Make sure you see a board certified plastic surgeon.
Dr. Susan Kolb wrote on :
I would recommend total capsulectomy with an internal lift and possibly an external lift if excess skin is removed around the nipple areolar complex or at the base of the breast. Insurance will often cover explantation if testing shows mold biotoxins and complications of cosmetic surgery are not excluded. The self pay for the explantation and lift is estimated at around $6000 for the explant and from $2500 to $3500 depending on the extent of the lift (more OR and anesthesia time).