Hi there I have a tummy tuck and breast lift and augmentation due in 28 days I have been a smoker for 15 years but mostly weed I don’t smoke cigarettes but I do use tobacco to mix I have gone cold turkey 5 days ago and plan to keep it that way. I am very scared of a bad out come I have been detoxing with a detox plan and I am taking 250mg of iron tabs to build more red blood cells before surgery I am losing weight hoping to get rid of bad fat maybe nicotine. I have lost half a stone and want to lose 1 more to help my detox. Is this enough for me to go ahead with it. Please let me know I worked so hard for this.
0 Answers
Dr. Thomas Mustoe wrote on :
In studies performed previously the increased risk of complications in smokers disappears if the patient has completely stopped smoking for 3 weeks. Losing weight in the next few weeks is less important than keeping on a healthy diet.
Dr. Ellen Janetzke wrote on :
Typically we recommend that you stop smoking anything for 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after. You should be fine as long as you stick to your guns about not smoking.
Dr. Gustavo Galante wrote on :
It is generally recommended that one discontinue smoking any tobacco products 1 month prior to undergoing any elective procedure involving the elevation of skin flaps (face-lifts, breast lifts, breast reductions, and tummy-tucks), Some surgeons may choose to use other guidelines,but it is dependent on their comfort zone. Discuss this with your surgeon.