It’s always enlightening to learn what other women in our generation are thinking and doing. Every Thursday, FabOverFifty asks members of our community a series of simple questions about pretty complex issues, then we report the results to you the following week.
Today, we’re asking about changing relationships, because if there’s one thing we hear over and over, it’s that we want to eliminate the “toxic” people in our lives as we age.

0 Responses to “POLL: Have YOU Cut Toxic People Out Of Your Life?”
Carla-Margaret (Carla) says:
My Periods stopped, then came the nightly flooding from ‘The Change’ I was forced to wrap myself in Towels.
Carla-Margaret (Carla) says:
Why didn’t our Mothers or Siblings tell us about “The Change” Why is this so taboo. Not even my doctor has mentioned this.